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Ok, so heres some pics on how I furnish my cages and where they are 24/7 for now. B4 u all complain about the 2 on the ground or how crowded things look......well, OH WELL!! the ones on the ground were just put down so I can build some cages...they were on a board supported by my work bench.
For those that cant "bare" to see cages so close to each other......none of my Chams display distress colors and all are eating fine......and since they are next to a plum tree, I just hook the hose on the tree and point and spray!!
For those that cant "bare" to see cages so close to each other......none of my Chams display distress colors and all are eating fine......and since they are next to a plum tree, I just hook the hose on the tree and point and spray!!