cage pics

oh geeze. :( forgive me, im a walking zombie right now

they look really nice. I personally would add some more branches and vines horizontally and some vertical too. Other than that, they look great!
I am very impressed..wish i could build like that, would save me a hell of alot of money :)...would be kinda cool with the wood green like the plants.
they look really nice. I personally would add some more branches and vines horizontally and some vertical too. Other than that, they look great!
more vines will be added tomorrow, i still have a little bit of tweeking to do as far as drainage and esthetics. more vines i a nessesity even though there are tons of branches and plants, but not enough climbing. and the draining, i want to add some tubing into the drain holes and run that along so i only need one drip bucket.

I am very impressed..wish i could build like that, would save me a hell of alot of money :)...would be kinda cool with the wood green like the plants.

thanks you very much, i was actually in a rush at the store and just wanted to get regular stain, the stain i bought was this finish when i opened it. so i was like whatever and went along with it. lol i think the colour goes nice with the plants though, green isnt so much my colour, but the stain paint with the plants has some depth to it
Well when you are actually seeing it rather than looking at a pic then you can see color more so bet the colors look even better in real life!! but still looks really good on the pic ;)
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