New Member
As some of you may remember, I originally had a post about an enclosure I was building sometime back in November. (damn that was long ago) Finally started to work on this weekend. The setup will be built over the next few months as time and money allow but will be built in three phases.
Phase 1 will be the construction of the main cage. Once this complete the cage will be usable, but will only be a mockery of what it will become.
Phase 1 should be finished during my university reading week, so it will hopefully be done befoire next weekend. (it has to be, otherwise I'll have nowhere to put the new cham I'll be getting on the 22nd)
Phase 2 will be the construction of a base for the cage to sit on. The base will function as storage as well as housing for electronics and Phase 3
Phase 2 will be completed during the first week of summer break. (Mid-April)
Phase 3 will be the addtion of a misting system as well as the complete automation of all lighting and watering. Just got to toss bugs in.
Phase 3 will be completed as soon as I get a another job and funds become available. (still miffed about being let go from the first one)
Since I'm on phase 1 now, I'll fill you guys in on what I've got so far.
Step 1 was to build the cage - Finished that about 20 minutes ago, pics are at bottom of post.
Step 2 is to get it stained and sealed, should be done tomorroww. Once staining's started I need to pick up the corrugated plastic I'm using as a divider and construction will be done.
Step 3 is screening. I've got a few rolls of black aluminum sreen for the sides and some heavy gauge wire mesh for the top. This step might take a while.
Step 4 is waiting for my lllreptile order to arrive. It consists of playing a few rounds Halo, some COD4 and getting my Guitar Hero on with some Friends 'til my ears bleed. Package should be in by then.
Step 5 is the setup and then the move in. Should be done by Saturday, Step 4 permitting.
And now for some pics:
Front of Enclosure
Made the Cage (yeah it's capitalized) from untreated 2x2's, 2x4's and a 2x6. Spruce, I believe. Final dimensions are approx. 51"x27"x48" for the entire unit. Individual enclosures will be half that size
Side View
Up close
Cage doors are deadbolted and a key lock prevents the doors and divider from being opened or removed while I'm not home. I've had bad experiences with cousins and my brother's friends before.
And the lucky girl, a little sleepy
I saw her tucked up in the corner and thought, "wow that's a weird spot to sleep". She's currently in my old rat cage, 2x1x2, which is the best I can do for now.
Expect Phase 2 in a few months.
Phase 1 will be the construction of the main cage. Once this complete the cage will be usable, but will only be a mockery of what it will become.
Phase 1 should be finished during my university reading week, so it will hopefully be done befoire next weekend. (it has to be, otherwise I'll have nowhere to put the new cham I'll be getting on the 22nd)
Phase 2 will be the construction of a base for the cage to sit on. The base will function as storage as well as housing for electronics and Phase 3
Phase 2 will be completed during the first week of summer break. (Mid-April)
Phase 3 will be the addtion of a misting system as well as the complete automation of all lighting and watering. Just got to toss bugs in.
Phase 3 will be completed as soon as I get a another job and funds become available. (still miffed about being let go from the first one)
Since I'm on phase 1 now, I'll fill you guys in on what I've got so far.
Step 1 was to build the cage - Finished that about 20 minutes ago, pics are at bottom of post.
Step 2 is to get it stained and sealed, should be done tomorroww. Once staining's started I need to pick up the corrugated plastic I'm using as a divider and construction will be done.
Step 3 is screening. I've got a few rolls of black aluminum sreen for the sides and some heavy gauge wire mesh for the top. This step might take a while.
Step 4 is waiting for my lllreptile order to arrive. It consists of playing a few rounds Halo, some COD4 and getting my Guitar Hero on with some Friends 'til my ears bleed. Package should be in by then.
Step 5 is the setup and then the move in. Should be done by Saturday, Step 4 permitting.
And now for some pics:
Front of Enclosure
Made the Cage (yeah it's capitalized) from untreated 2x2's, 2x4's and a 2x6. Spruce, I believe. Final dimensions are approx. 51"x27"x48" for the entire unit. Individual enclosures will be half that size
Side View
Up close
Cage doors are deadbolted and a key lock prevents the doors and divider from being opened or removed while I'm not home. I've had bad experiences with cousins and my brother's friends before.
And the lucky girl, a little sleepy
I saw her tucked up in the corner and thought, "wow that's a weird spot to sleep". She's currently in my old rat cage, 2x1x2, which is the best I can do for now.
Expect Phase 2 in a few months.