Cage Review New Cage

Hey everyone?
Hope y’all are doing well:) still no update on the laying front (and i agonized about whether it was a good/bad idea to change the cage while she’s got eggs bur figured it was better to have her in a larger space) so want your thoughts on the cage. Also I know that having her in this spot in front of a sunny window probably isn’t the best. Im getting a new stand because this cage is larger than the stand I was using. No plastic plants on the inside, currently have them on the back to shade from the window. using a 22” t5ho light.
misting every 6 hours for 60 seconds plus I hand spray the cage too
plants inside the cage are croton, cordylline hybrid and a variegated pothos. I have a lay pit for her but noticed she hasn’t really gone in the laying pit at all. I would appreciate anyones laypit recipe to make sure she isn’t avoiding it because the substrate is off.

oh and basking branch is about 8” below the light. I didn’t get an accurate temp cause the misting device just went off. gauge said 65 degrees with 40% humidity
I previously filled out the husbandry form but if needed I can fill out again, thanks:)


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First thing I'd do off the bat is get the cage away from the window. The weather right outside can cause it to be too cold or overheat.

I don't see an actual basking heat bulb on there, so I'd consider that next, unless your natural temps from the UVB make the basking branch warm enough.

And this shouldn't be a pressing issue per se, but to my eyes that looks like a T8 bulb, not a T5. And this could be the distortion in some of the images, but it looks shorter than 22" to me. Not an absolute red flag, but I'd double check it to make sure. Is it a reptisun 5.0 or arcadia 6%?

Not off to a bad start though! Live plants are definitely a plus, so kudos!
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Home Depot and Lowe’s have sheets of corrugated plastic that you can cut to size of the screens. To help keep in the humidity for your screen enclosure.
Home Depot and Lowe’s have sheets of corrugated plastic that you can cut to size of the screens. To help keep in the humidity for your screen enclosure.
I was going to suggest the same thing. Here is a photo of one of my enclosures with the corrugated plastic sides to help with humidity levels. You shouldn’t have to mist as much with a hybrid enclosure.


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Your uvb fixture looks like a T8 fixture which will not work for her. You have to upgrade to a T5HO fixture with a 5.0 or 6% bulb. The T8 fixtures simply do not put out enough UVB for them.

Also in front of the window is not going to work. It would be different if the window did not receive direct sun. But with direct sun she can easily overheat. If you are going to leave the cage there then you need to get some black out curtains this will help reduce the heat as well as cold. But the sun is going to confuse her and she will spend most of her time roaming to get to the sun rather than the new UVB when you put it on the cage. And they can not get UVB from the sun through our glass windows.
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