cage setup


New Member
Cage Info:
Cage Type - aluminum screen cage from lllreptile 16x15x20
Lighting - 50w exoterra day/heat spot lamp, 15" UVB 15w
Temperature -the cage floor is usually around 65, and the basking spot should be at least 90. the temp at night gets no less than 65 degrees
Humidity - 80%-85% when i mist, and gets as low as 55% right before i mist, i mist at least 3 times a day for a couple minutes each time, i measure humidity with a circular hydrometer
Plants - i have one dracaena live plant i got at a reptile show
Location - the cage is setup in my bedroom on a dresser thats about 2.5 feet off the ground

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - veiled, male, i just got him at a show the other day, id say hes about 4-5 weeks old
Handling - havent touched him since i put him in his cage on sunday
Feeding - ive been feeding him pinheads that i ordered offline from lucky lure cricket farm
Supplements - ive been using this stuff called t-rex chameleon dust to dust the pinheads everytime before i feed them to my chameleon
Watering - i like to mist at least 3 times a day or whenever i see the humidity down, and yea ive seen him licking his top lip
Fecal Description - the fecal looks normal, it has a tint of yellow in it but im not sure if i should be worried to much about that since he probably is just stressed from the move.
History - i got him from a reptile show near chicago
Current Problem - im just wondering if everything that ive got setup is good to go
pure calcium powder w/d3
pure calcium powder without d3
herptivite or reptivite (t-rex can be used occasionally)
Basking of 90 is too hot for a baby that young. I would keep it 86 to 88 tops. You need 3 dusting supplements. Plain Calcium (with no D3) which you should be using at just about every feeding. Calcium with D3 2 or 3 times a month and Herptivite multivitamins twice a month. You also need to make sure you gutload the crickets before feeding. I'm not sure what type if lights those are, that you are using.......maybe some other members will chime in on that. Jann
A picture may be very helpful to assist the forum with evaluating your set up.

Also you supplementation schedule needs to be tweeked...Brads sup schedule is very helpful and I haven't had any problems with it.

hope that helps

finally got a picture, not even a good one(its backwards) because i had to use photobooth on my macbook.


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