Caging Size


New Member
Hello all! I'm new to this forum and have a few questions. I'm located in Canada and am going to purchase a chameleon from the yearly Breeders expo in September. I contacted a few off the breeders who are going to be there, and they said that they sell mostly babies and juveniles at the expos. I was thinking about starting my chameleon off in a 16"x16"x30" screen cage(yes I am aware that I will need a 2'x2'x4' when he/she is grown). Is 16"x16"x30" a good size or should I use a smaller or bigger enclosure.

Note: I haven't purchased a cage yet, I just want to have my research done and have everything set up well in advance before actually acquiring my chameleon.

What kind of a cham? Some will say smaller so he can find his food. Im a firm beloved with the other half that say get him in the biggest cage right off the bat and set up a feeder cup for 80% of food and freerange 20% give him a chance to hunt but not go hungry.
Hello all! I'm new to this forum and have a few questions. I'm located in Canada and am going to purchase a chameleon from the yearly Breeders expo in September. I contacted a few off the breeders who are going to be there, and they said that they sell mostly babies and juveniles at the expos. I was thinking about starting my chameleon off in a 16"x16"x30" screen cage(yes I am aware that I will need a 2'x2'x4' when he/she is grown). Is 16"x16"x30" a good size or should I use a smaller or bigger enclosure.

Note: I haven't purchased a cage yet, I just want to have my research done and have everything set up well in advance before actually acquiring my chameleon.


I think that size would be sufficient for a while, depending on the chams size to begin with. What cham are you thinking of going with?
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