Calcium Powder Help!!


New Member
So I have my calcium with D3, I have my multi vitamins, and no pet stores near me have just plain old calcium powder. Petsmart, petco and all the non chain stores don't have plain calcium.

They told me to go to the local vitamin store and get calcium tablets, and crush them up. Is this ok to do? I'm sure calcium is calcium no matter how it comes, but i figured I'd ask to make sure.

I got 600mg calcium tablets. please let me know if this is ok or not.

Thanks a lot!!
not sure on that, but you can order it online at LLL reptile website. They have different kinds. I use Sticky Tongue Farms Miner-all. It is calcium with no d3(outdoor formula)
Not sure if calcium tablets are okay. Here in Orange County, I drove to almost every petstore to try to find Rep-Cal's Calcium without D3, litterally it took me hours. I ended up ordering from LLL and although the email you get says you'll get it within 7 to 10 business days, I recieved mine the day after the next. At LLLreptile, it's cheap and they have great customer service, better safe than sorry I say.
I don't think its safe because you don't know how much calcium is in that pill? Cant it be potent or something? I would just get it online. If you cant get it online go to a family runned pet-store like in pssh's words " a mom and pop store" and ask them to order it for you I'm sure a store like that can and would if you payed the shipping the price with interest it may be more but if you cant find it anywhere or have no way to use PayPal or a credit card you can try that.
I would check out any of the site sponsors. Most of them carry all of the necessary supplements you need for your chams, not to mention any other little things you may feel compelled to buy your chams :D
I know some people have crushed tums and used them as powder. What brand of calcium w/ d3 do you have? It might be fine to use it regularly until you can get some. Repcal would not be acceptable to use frequently while minerall would. Zoomed calcium with d3 would work for a while if you dust every other day until you can get some calcium. If you need some that bad I can pick some up at the local pet store and ship it first class/priority. I can also just ship a small amount in a container so it will last until you get some more. It should get there in two days if you live in a big city, 3 if your area is more rural. Paypal :)
I use repcal with d3, so everyday use is no good :(. I went to one last pet store near me today ran by a younger dude and he said he would order it today because I told him how difficult it is to find. He also gave me a couple small sample packs of plain old calcium to hold me over a day or two :). Looks like I found a new regular pet store to visit :) he also give like 30 crickets for a dollar, can't beat that!!!
Just a quick question seing as the threads on the subject but is it possible to overdose on plain calcium ? is possible for a chameleon to have too much calcium. However, nobody can give you an exact number that would be too much because its not just a matter of how much calcium a chameleon also involves how much D3 they get from supplements, how much prEformed vitamin A they get, what their kidney function is like, etc. because all of these things have relationships with each other. The best thing I can say about it is that if you follow what those who have chameleons that live long healthy lives do chances are your chameleon will not have a calcium issues. Even this is not written in stone because there may be chameleons that can still have issues for reasons we don't completely understand yet.

Sorry I can't give you a better answer.
I think i may be over doing the calcium and ive never used any form of calcium with d3, ive had Yoshi 6months now and hopefully tomorrow with me being off work i can go on my hunt for all the extra vitamins ive been missing :/
Calcium carbonate is calcium carbonate, whether pressed into tablets for people or powdered for chameleons. But why not just order online what everyone else uses, and be confident?
Not sure if calcium tablets are okay. Here in Orange County, I drove to almost every petstore to try to find Rep-Cal's Calcium without D3, litterally it took me hours. I ended up ordering from LLL and although the email you get says you'll get it within 7 to 10 business days, I recieved mine the day after the next. At LLLreptile, it's cheap and they have great customer service, better safe than sorry I say.

I found some sticky tongue miner all (with no d3) at reptile outlet.
it's a small store but they have only reptiles (well and spiders and stuff). not sure where you are in OC but I'm working in newport beach atm and it's about 12 miles from me (I don't know what city, sorry not from Ca.) google it, they may have stuff you need in the future
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