Calcium suplement mixed in dripper water?


Has anyone ever heard of doing this? I was told it's a good way to get more calcium in the diet of a shy eater.
I've never had to supplement any other calcium than what I put on the feeders, but out of my 9 chams, and their countless offspring, I've NEVER had a shy eater. They usually slow down a bit as they age but every one of them takes food when it is offered. I personally wouldn't put any supplements in their water. what do you mean about a shy eater? Are you concerned it's not eating enough?
I don't think it's a good way to deliver calcium. You wouldn't know how much the chameleon actually ingested. I'd stick to dusting your feeders, and try to figure out why your chameleon isn't eating, if that's what's going on.
I was told to do this by the vet but it was only a temporary thing until my cham got back to eat and use his tongue. I had to do this because I couldn't manage to get almost anything into her, only force feeding, but the dusting got off during the battle we had
I was told to do this by the vet but it was only a temporary thing until my cham got back to eat and use his tongue. I had to do this because I couldn't manage to get almost anything into her, only force feeding, but the dusting got off during the battle we had

There is only so much calcium that can be absorbed into water and it isn't a lot. I've never heard that hard water is a good source of calcium.

Why were you force feeding? Was the chameleon sick, underweight and not eating?
I'd rather see you try calcium drops given orally or even injected into a feeder. You would have no true estimate of how much calcium your cham would be getting from drinking.
There is only so much calcium that can be absorbed into water and it isn't a lot. I've never heard that hard water is a good source of calcium.

Why were you force feeding? Was the chameleon sick, underweight and not eating?
She was eggbound and after a surgery. I needed to do this and I only did what the vet told me to (I completely trust her, she herself is a chameleon enthusiast from a very young age and has 7 of them at the moment so I'm sure she knows what she's doing). I was told about the amount of water that she should drink and the calcium she should get. Now she eats properly so I don't do it anymore.
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