Calcium With D3 or Without?


New Member
Whats the best kind of calcium to get? the one with D3 or without? I own two Veiled chameleons and a bearded dragon.
Phosphorous-free calcium dusted (at most feedings) on the insects before feeding them to the chameleon will help to make up for the poor calcium to phos. ratio found in many feeder insects.

The phos.-free calcium/D3 dust can be used lightly twice a month to ensure that the chameleon is getting enough without overdosing it. D3 from supplements can build up in the don't overdo it.
Whats the best kind of calcium to get? the one with D3 or without? I own two Veiled chameleons and a bearded dragon.

Phosphorous-free calcium dusted (at most feedings) on the insects before feeding them to the chameleon will help to make up for the poor calcium to phos. ratio found in many feeder insects.
The phos.-free calcium/D3 dust can be used lightly twice a month to ensure that the chameleon is getting enough without overdosing it. D3 from supplements can build up in the don't overdo it.

I totally agree with kinyonga. You want both, but you'll mostly use the Calcium without D3.
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