Calciworms/Phoenix worms


New Member
Hey guys, so I got some Calciworms from Mulberry Farms and have quite a few. Most are pretty small but some have turned black and barely move. From what I've read so far that means they're getting ready to turn into flies.. So what's the next move? Should I move them into another container or what? It'd be helpful if someone could tell me what they do with theirs since I have some pretty varied sizes in here. Thanks!
They do darken in color when they prepare to pupate. When you say they are pretty small, how small do you mean? There is often a difference in sizes, but for the most part, they top out at about 3/4" long, however, every once in awhile I will have some 'hulking monsters' that are a about 7/8" long. I see you are in Pensacola Florida. You know that these are common throughout the entire southeastern U.S. and are quite easy to culture outdoors? As far as breeding them in a controlled enironment or 'captivity' so to speak, I think that it would be difficult, because from what I've read, they are required to mate in actual flight which would require a VERY LARGE cage or room of some type. I have 2 5-gallon buckets outside that have over 2,000 in each bucket (I actually meticulously counted out 1,000 and based on how many were left, I estimate 2,000 per bucket.). PM me if your interested in info on how I do it. There are a bunch of videos on YouTube as well on setting up buckets. It's very easy and very cheap.
They are pretty small in length, some are about twice as long as others, but some are just.. really round compared to others lol. Not really so much different in lengths. And I'd love to have a wild population but I live in an apartment and have a screened in porch so I wouldn't be able to actually get any wild ones. :/ I'd love not having to pay for them, though! LOl.
Has anyone else noticed the flies are active (fly) at night? I thought it funny that their mellow during the day and easy to hand catch and feed off. I connected the dots last night, when I heard flies bumping into screen late last night.
I've noticed 2 things in particular about my Soldier fly cultures; One is that I always find adult flies at night inside of the buckets lining the inner walls appearing to be laying eggs. Second thing, is that when it rains (my buckets are outside) I can open up a bucket and the entire interior of each bucket will be absolutely packed with larvae crawling up the sides. I have never noticed them in flight at night time though.
Releasing a bunch of freshly emerging black soldier flies right into the walk in chameleon cage, where I keep two BSF buckets going non stop. Some will deposit eggs right back into the bucket to continue the cycle. These flies were added to this bin about eleven days ago, it’s a mix or Aspen and peat moss. I have about this many emerging every day.


This is my walk in chameleon cage showing my two black soldier fly buckets in there.
I don't use the lids anymore, just keep them under that leaning plastic sheet to keep the rain out. The adult flies seem to find it much faster like this.


This little thief sits there on the edge of one of the buckets and eats flies all day. Some days this lizard looks like he’s going to pop he is so stuffed.


I've been pretty sucessful with my buckets, they produce dozens of plump grubs every day, which I do feed a few to the chams and let the rest pupate into the flies which they find very irresistable. If I am cup feeding crickets, and a soldier fly gets close, the chameleon will always turn and snag the fly if they have a choice. They have a natural instinct to eat flying moving bugs I think.
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Releasing a bunch of freshly emerging black soldier flies right into the walk in chameleon cage, where I keep two BSF buckets going non stop. Some will deposit eggs right back into the bucket to continue the cycle. These flies were added to this bin about eleven days ago, it’s a mix or Aspen and peat moss. I have about this many emerging every day.

Light bulb going off :) This concept really has my wheels turning. Might not work for larger species, but medium to smaller species I think would be welcome addition. As chameleonoobie has shown. I know my mantis love them.
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