Chameleon Enthusiast
Not "firing up" may be completely unrelated to his eye issues.
I have a nice NosyBe that didnt show any response whatsoever to seeing male or females, or mirrors. that is until very recently (he's about two now) when all of a sudden, he "woke up". Just Late to mature perhaps. I dunno. But it could be yours isnt firing up simply cuz he's not ready to fire up, and not because of his eyesight.
I have a nice NosyBe that didnt show any response whatsoever to seeing male or females, or mirrors. that is until very recently (he's about two now) when all of a sudden, he "woke up". Just Late to mature perhaps. I dunno. But it could be yours isnt firing up simply cuz he's not ready to fire up, and not because of his eyesight.