Calling all Tinkers!


Established Member
So I built myself a feeder cup this past weekend, and I am trying to get ideas on how to mount this thing to my screen cage. I was thinking maybe an L shaped bracket with some magnets, but I would like to hear any ideas you guys/gals may have. It weighs in about a pound so tieing it to the screen is not an option.

Thanks in advance!

A corner may be a better option. It'd be where I'd choose. If you can ziptie to a side and the back for extra strength in holding it up so the entire weight isn't on just 1 side. Depending on what types of real plants you use you may be able to ziptie to a couple branches. Depending on how high your Cham likes to climb you may be able to adhere it to the top frame so long as you can keep it away from heat lamps and droppers.

You also may be able to make a bracket to go up through the screen and hand on the top frame so long as you sodder or somehow adhere the screen back.

Mostly it'd just depend on where your Cham likes to hang out and munch down, and where you think it's the most aesthetically pleasing.

Hope my jabbering made since.
You can try using Magnets. I made a similar project for my crested geckos. I did similar steps to this video.

As for your acrylic, not sure if magnets will hold that up since you used a pretty thick acrylic. My crested weighs about 40g's so I don't have to worry about them knocking it off. As for chams, you're talking 4x that weight lol.

Another thing i seen was your black acrylic is reflective. Be aware that you can stress your cham out if he see's his reflection. You can try sanding it down to give it a matte finish.

You can build a corner piece in the corner of your enclosure, kind of like those corner shelves. You can add velcro to the bottom of the feeder cup and velcro to the top of the corner shelf so the cup won't fall. Or you can use magnetic tape.

My cham always thinks it's funny to $*** in his feeder cup everyday, so i can't use them anymore lol...Regardless where i put it, he ends up dropping bombs inside.
I like the idea of a bracket hanging from the top of the frame. I'm gonna sit down and figure out how to get that to work this weekend. I didn't even think about the acrylic being reflective, hmm I guess I could wrap it in some matte black vinyl or something. Thanks for the tips!
If you are worried about relections, you can sand the surface with a piece
of sandpaper to give it a 'matte' finish.

That looks much nicer then the pint size milk container I have ;)
Easiest way to make a bracket would be to take a piece of thin sheet metal or even thick enough wire to maybe zip tie to the back of the screen on your feeder then bend it in either an arch type U shape behind the feeder, run it through the screen and curve it around the outside of the enclosure. If you want to get a really cool almost floating effect you could use 15-20# fishing clear mono fishing line, run it through the top & side of the cage around a corner of the cage frame and back in then through the back of your feeder container. That way you don't have to possibly compromise the screen of the cage by cutting or mending plus you get the cool floating effect and it'd only cost a couple bucks.
Another plus side is it'd have a clean look instead of more metal and weight and you wouldn't have to make anything besides a couple loops and knots using the fishing line idea. Plus it shouldn't take more than a few mins to complete (well the drive to wal-mart if you don't already have a little extra fishing line laying around somewhere lol).
I haven't had time to put it together, but I purchased an acyrlic rod and am building some endcaps that I can screw into the metal frame of my cage to hold the cup up. Hopefully I can get this done this weekend.
Had some time to work on it last weekend. I ended up using window screen frame and the corner connectors. Here is a shot of it installed, I used 1 bolt on each side to hold it in place.

You can see my old cheapo feeder cup
I had some issues with the inside of the cup being reflective, that will be addressed shortly. The picture just shows the window screen frame mounted to the screen to hold the cup up.
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