calling glass terranium owners


New Member
hey all.i just thought id start a thread for people to post pics of their glass love to see the different set ups and feel free to feed back on always looking to improve on it and theres one of fred for good measure:D


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You shouldn't be using a glass enclosure, veileds need screens

that is a lot of people seem to think.i used to think so myself as most things you read say the same however after a bit of research i found the issue with the glass is lack of ventilation.breeders in europe aswell as many colder climates have been using glass terraniums for years all with good results.these terraniums are designed for ventilation with screen tops and vents in the front.also the door is open on mine at all times when im at home. it would be unfair to keep a cham in my climate in a screen cage as it would be hard to get him the proper heat.

im not trying to get smart with you i just want to let you know ive done my research
that is a lot of people seem to think.i used to think so myself as most things you read say the same however after a bit of research i found the issue with the glass is lack of ventilation.breeders in europe aswell as many colder climates have been using glass terraniums for years all with good results.these terraniums are designed for ventilation with screen tops and vents in the front.also the door is open on mine at all times when im at home. it would be unfair to keep a cham in my climate in a screen cage as it would be hard to get him the proper heat.

im not trying to get smart with you i just want to let you know ive done my research


Thats the problem now adays, "research" alot of people that don't need a glass viv always assume this about glass viv's, when they live in a nice warm country, and can use a mesh viv! This is not always the case. Even with a mesh viv in a dry part of the world your going to get problems keeping the humidity high enough, so what do you do? You clad you mesh viv with a shower curtain! (same result achieved, lack of air flow) It's all about trial and error, after misting knowing how long it takes for the viv to dry out and the humidity to drop before misting again.
So really all i'm saying is play the hand you've been dealt, and learn by experience, and that's what people with glass viv's do! (JMO) :)

Don't assume from my tone that i'm being aggresive ;)
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I also have had better luck with glass enclosures I've had screen and wooden with a screen front and top my favorite to use over the years has turned out to be glass
plus my chams love to drink beaded up water on the glass walls much more than they do off the leaves
plus my chams love to drink beaded up water on the glass walls much more than they do off the leaves

lovely cham.
what size is your big it big enough for an adult male veiled.mine is 24x24x18 im going to have to upscale in the near future

Thats the problem now adays, "research" alot of people that don't need a glass viv always assume this about glass viv's, when they live in a nice warm country, and can use a mesh viv! This is not always the case. Even with a mesh viv in a dry part of the world your going to get problems keeping the humidity high enough, so what do you do? You clad you mesh viv with a shower curtain! (same result achieved, lack of air flow) It's all about trial and error, after misting knowing how long it takes for the viv to dry out and the humidity to drop before misting again.
So really all i'm saying is play the hand you've been dealt, and learn by experience, and that's what people with glass viv's do! (JMO) :)

Don't assume from my tone that i'm being aggresive ;)

thanks for the "back up" matt :)
I am also in the UK and have successfully kept female Veileds in glass terrariums too. My second female was 3 months when I got her and she spent the whole of her 3 years in one apart from the last few months when I moved her into a larger wooden viv when my male died. She was very healthy - only laid one infertile clutch at the age of 20 months.

I also kept my baby Jackson in a small one until he was 4 months old and I currently have my 6 month old Carpet in one the same size. I used to attach a wire mesh panel across the open doors of my Jackson's glass viv. When we have very cold, dry weathr here I struggle to keep humidity high enough in both types of enclosures.
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i find the humidity is really constant in mine and it only takes minimal misting.must be that damp miserable irish air:)
You shouldn't be using a glass enclosure, veileds need screens

Negative comments like this make people panic and go out and change a perfectly good enclosure for no reason. Glass enclosures are now much more accepted than whenI first started out on her nearly 5 years ago. So much s that I didn't ever mention that my first female was kept in a glass viv. When she got sick and I filled in the 'ask for help form' not one person made an issue of the fact that she was kep in glass, because she was such a healthy chameleon up until she got sick.

I have kept 3 Veileds - 2 females and a male and none were kept in screen vivs as they have not always been easy to find in the UK. As long as the chameleon is healthy and cared for properly it really doesn't matter what type of enclosure it is kept in as long as it is large enough and all the chameleon's needs are met.
You shouldn't be using a glass enclosure, veileds need screens

It's all opinion, which I'm sure I skimmed in this thread. My Jackson's has lived half his life in a glass terrarium, and the rest in a larger screen enclosure. I prefer the screen enclosure for a couple of reasons...

1) He doesn't get bored! Always climbing around, never on the screen. Always content.
2) The crickets can really get around on the screen and he seems to really like hunting off the screens. I can see exactly how much he eats per day!

Plus the ventilation.
Problem: I can't keep the humidity as high as it needs to be. I spray a good 8 times a day thoroughly without flooding the cage and also use a repti-fogger to up the humidity in the room he is in. It's high, but not good enough.

When I had my glass enclosure, I would open the glass front (door-like) for hours out of the day to increase the airflow. He always seemed interested in sticking his head out of the front, too. It's all a matter of opinion and how one goes about having a glass terrarium. I prefer screen, but glass definitely worked. I'm going to use it for juvenile chams in the future to ensure the correct humidity and a good temperature gradient.

Here is my glass terrarium for Max when he was still growing:


And here is his screen enclosure now!:


Big red funnel: Had a lot of flooding problems. I just let the dripper hit all the leaves and it all collects in the funnel! Problem solved.
this is the larger model I have I have my female vield in there currently I do not think it will be big enough to house a male I recently had an apartment fire and all animals died accept my female vield which was in the smaller cage I did not have the larger glass cage at the time here's the pic again
I did at the time have this guy
in this cage which I salvaged but it has smoke damage so a refinishing is in order
so I'm in my new place and keepin collection small I got a male about 4 months ago a Petco reject cut tail skinny the whole nine yards for 15 bucks he is housed in the smaller glass cage currently
Although glass cages are perfectly acceptable, the size you have is not for a subadult to adult veiled. If you would like to stay with glass id recommend a minimum of 18x24x36 (like the exoterra) for a female.

Id say also she could use more plants/branches.

To give you an idea what im sayin... heres a pic of one of my old ones.

thanks again jamall your not shy with the pics:D

i think the thread is after ruuning away on me a bit :)
thanks again jamall your not shy with the pics:D

i think the thread is after ruuning away on me a bit :)

Hahahah I got the new ipad PLEASE gimme something to take a picture of hahah and this app makes it soo easy to upload
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