Calumma nasutum/Calumma boettgeri caresheet?


Chameleon Enthusiast
I was just wondering if anyone here knows where I might find a guide for caring for either of these little Calumma species!

I've been searching the web and the forums for a while now and there doesn't appear to be much out there. I realize they're not very common, but my local reptile shop here in St. Paul, MN just got a few of both species in and I'm curious as to the specifics of their care if anyone can help. Won't get my hopes up too high, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
there is none. those species are hard to keep and the ones coming in are wild caught which means parasites, dehydration and malnourishment. really not a good second chameleon.
Thanks, that's what I figured. Wouldn't have been only my second chameleon, for the record - don't know why you said that. I would never buy a cham above my skillset, which is why I asked.
As mentioned, these are going to be wild caught, and would likely not be a good second chameleon. They are small species that need cool temperatures and high humidity. They are beautiful animals, and with careful care can do quite well, but they can be difficult to acclimate and not particularly forgiving in their care.

42D63100-BAA5-41F7-ADC9-5C6129449D3D.jpeg I went by that shop today and saw both species. I wasn’t happy that they were housing multiples in the same small enclosures and there was one boettgeri dead and decomposing in the cage. Not cool. Here is a pic of the remaining live boettgeri.
View attachment 196540 I went by that shop today and saw both species. I wasn’t happy that they were housing multiples in the same small enclosures and there was one boettgeri dead and decomposing in the cage. Not cool. Here is a pic of the remaining live boettgeri.
Wow. Sometimes they just die easily though, the risks of imports. RIP, little cham. :(
Twin Cities Reptiles is typically a decent store. Certainly many levels above chain stores. I'm kinda suprised they housed them together. As far as the dead cham goes, as you know, It is quite common for fresh imports to be in poor condition. I would inquire about it if I were you. Certainly before posting about them. We are lucky that we have a store of their caliber even if they fall short of the care level we ourselves would provide.
Twin Cities Reptiles is typically a decent store. Certainly many levels above chain stores. I'm kinda suprised they housed them together. As far as the dead cham goes, as you know, It is quite common for fresh imports to be in poor condition. I would inquire about it if I were you. Certainly before posting about them. We are lucky that we have a store of their caliber even if they fall short of the care level we ourselves would provide.
It is also hard to keep a bunch of imports in separate enclosures.
Twin Cities Reptiles is typically a decent store. Certainly many levels above chain stores. I'm kinda suprised they housed them together. As far as the dead cham goes, as you know, It is quite common for fresh imports to be in poor condition. I would inquire about it if I were you. Certainly before posting about them. We are lucky that we have a store of their caliber even if they fall short of the care level we ourselves would provide.
I agree that TCR is a good store (No one named them in this thread until you did). I value that they are around and have been a patron for decades. I disagree with bringing in imported chams that are not regularly bred in captivity, and giving them substandard care. Special orders of imports are great, or possibly bringing in specimens that sell quickly, but all of these have been sitting there for over a month (I inquired with the staff about the situation before posting).
Wow, you are right then. That really sucks. And your right, I brought the name up. DOH! Were they really decomposing in the enclosure?
Wow, you are right then. That really sucks. And your right, I brought the name up. DOH! Were they really decomposing in the enclosure?

Sorry, I agree with you and I didn't want to come across as bashing the store, just the conditions of the current imported chams they have. Thanks for raising the issue. And yes, the price listed a pair of the boettgeri so I was searching and searching and I finally found the second one embedded into the soil partially decomposed.
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