Calyptratus - how old?


I was under the impression this guy was 5 months old. But some forum members seem to think he is very big for that age. Guy at the store said 12 weeks old when I got him. Here's a pic -


He is pretty puffed out... but I'm not 100% sure on his age and I did think he might be older than the guy at the store told me...

How old would you guys say he is? He still eats everything I feed him and he has really grown so much in the 2 months since I got him. Here's a (not very good) picture of him on his first day -


That was on 13th of August. He has literally exploded since then.

Also a pic of him now in his 2x2x4 for size reference -


See he's not as big as he looks in first photo :p Although looking back he has grown a lot in 2 months... like literally doubled in size. When I got him he was like 4" nose to vent... now he's easily 8"...

So could he just be a big 5 months or is he definitely older?
Depends totally on who is raising it and how.
When veileds first hit the market in the early 90s one of the selling points was that they could be egg producing adults by 3 1/2 months of age.
Mine are still very large by 4-5 months of age.
He could be 5 months.
Especially if you look at his pic from earlier and judge by that age and size.
If he's gotten plenty of heat and food, that would be about right at 5 months I'm guessing just based on the size of the plants and trying to imagine him in person.
He could very well be 5 months old. Here's my male Sage at 4 months old:

Sage at 5 months old:

BTW He's very handsome. :) What's his name?

Great pictures :) I don't wanna stress him out enough to get him to flare up for all the dark spots and whenever it does happen by accident I can never get a camera on him :p

His name is Yoshi :)
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