calyptratus mood change


New Member
I have 3 year old male calyptratus…
He is in a good shape. Month ago he was in a courtship with his girl…
And yesterday, all of the sudden, he had a mood swing…
He is all bright colors aggressive, hissing at me….
He even doesn’t want to take cricket form my hand that was no problem for him till yesturday…
Is it a breeding season thing or what…
Old day today he was bright green, yellow …and when he sees me he gets puffed up…
What could be a the reason of this behavior
does anyone have any idea?

It's hard to tell. They do sometimes have quirky days. I'm no expert on this stuff but I have been through the mood thing with chams a few times. Here's how I normally handle it, as long as the cham appears healthy and normal otherwise:

My first question is: am I wearing an unusual shirt color or motif that may have set him off? SOmetimes we are the cause, without even realizing it. Or, has there been any other change in my appearance. Almost everytime I've had a cham suddenly go off on me like that, I've looked down and realized I walked up to his enclosure with some strikingly patterned shirt on. (I keep several bland green shirts available to throw on over my clothes when I approach the chams. Sometimes I forget.)

If that's not the cause. Then I wait to see if the behavior is repeated the next day. If it is, then I examine any husbandry issues which may be awry. If nothing seems amiss, and the cham is healthy and energetic, though moody, then I just let it go. They settle down eventually. I haven't had one change overnight like that without soon returning to his old self. Unless there was a health or husbandry issue. Do observe him for health issues.
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