Camera Shy


Does any one have any suggestions on how to get your cham past being camera shy? Every time mine sees the camera he will hide behind whatever he's holding onto. He really seems to hate it! It doesn't matter how far away I am. He has never had any traumatic experiences with the camera with me. I was thinking maybe of hanging a bait cup with a cricket in it off of the bottom of the lens to distract him.
are you taking the pictures inside the cage or out? My cham does not mind the camera much at all, but I do notice he tolerates the pictures much better out of the cage. Try putting him outside of the cage where he has nothing to hide behind! Some are just more camer shy than others. By the way, how old is your cham?
I agree with carol, my chams are more camera shy inside the cage. That's their territory and the camera is an invader.

Outside the cage, it's just something new to climb on. Lol. I have a few shots of my chams grabbing for the camera.
I have tried both, as soon as he sees the camera he will shuffle to where the lens is facing his belly even if it causes him to hold himself sideways. He does tend to hide more in the cage then out, he is young, under four months.
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