Cameroon Import = Cristatus!!


Chameleon Enthusiast
Yesterday I went to look at the new import from Cameroon. I have been wanting to get some T. cristatus for quite some time but either they are simply not available or the ones that come in are usually in awful awful shape. But, these guys really looked good. They have been drinking since 6 o'clock this morning and both have already eaten. I am hoping they will acclimate for me!

I've always liked the prehistoric look of Cristatus, such a cool species. But like you, have never seen any in decent shape. Would love to hear you're successful with them and offering cbb babies!
Thanks Bob! I have always been fascinated with this species for some reason. I hope that CBB babies are in the future for these two.
Omg. I am well jelaous! :)

Hope they do well for you. It has been quite difficult to find them in Europe

It seems to be difficult everywhere. I am really surprised that the shipment came in and I was super surprised to see any in this good of shape!

I hope they acclimate well and pair eventually.
I love that they have a sort of jeweled crown going up the face/casque - I've never seen that before and it is REALLY cool looking.
Beautiful. Not many people have them anymore. I have a friend with some but he has not been able to pair them yet. The fin and the casque are so cool.
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