Camiezone babies from Homer and Big Girl

Cocofiber came in and the hornworms are in the new home 🙂 I'm going to put some food in the container, and let then do their thing.


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Time to post pics of my sweet Bart. He was being a goofball and sitting with his back half up on the screen side, but of course as soon as he saw me, he thought he was getting more food and moved. He’s really been enjoying hunting the bsfl flies and it’s amazing watching him. He zaps them while they’re flying, in mid air!
Time to post pics of my sweet Bart. He was being a goofball and sitting with his back half up on the screen side, but of course as soon as he saw me, he thought he was getting more food and moved. He’s really been enjoying hunting the bsfl flies and it’s amazing watching him. He zaps them while they’re flying, in mid air!
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AWWWWW I just love his curious lil face!!!!!
It's been a lil bit since my last post but I wanted to give yall an update on my two! Herc has been going through the winter blahs for the past few weeks :( . Too cold here to take him outside for some rays of sun but hoping that it starts warming up soon... He's mid shed right now and I can't wait to see his new outfit! 😂 His appetite has started to lessen a bit now that he is approaching 9mo old so ive cut down on the number of feeders he gets. Bonnie is looking beautiful as ever. Her color's are so hard to accurately capture on camera but she is damn near neon orange in person. She's this beautiful coral/salmon color with hues of purple and I just love it!! I know sometimes females are viewed as less desirable by some since they aren't as impressive as the males but in my experience they are just as unique and beautiful!! Ive got 3 female panthers and it's crazy how different they all look from each other -- bonnie is neon orange and purple, Dumplin is blue and grey, and Tifi is a muted pastel pink. Bonnie is a much pickier eater than my other chams so im experimenting with some new feeders. Her favorite seems to be red runners (yay now I get to keep ANOTHER species of roaches in my house :rolleyes:😫)... the things we do for our cham babies!!:ROFLMAO: IMG_8923.JPG IMG_8927.JPG herc shedding.jpg hercshed.jpg
It's been a lil bit since my last post but I wanted to give yall an update on my two! Herc has been going through the winter blahs for the past few weeks :( . Too cold here to take him outside for some rays of sun but hoping that it starts warming up soon... He's mid shed right now and I can't wait to see his new outfit! 😂 His appetite has started to lessen a bit now that he is approaching 9mo old so ive cut down on the number of feeders he gets. Bonnie is looking beautiful as ever. Her color's are so hard to accurately capture on camera but she is damn near neon orange in person. She's this beautiful coral/salmon color with hues of purple and I just love it!! I know sometimes females are viewed as less desirable by some since they aren't as impressive as the males but in my experience they are just as unique and beautiful!! Ive got 3 female panthers and it's crazy how different they all look from each other -- bonnie is neon orange and purple, Dumplin is blue and grey, and Tifi is a muted pastel pink. Bonnie is a much pickier eater than my other chams so im experimenting with some new feeders. Her favorite seems to be red runners (yay now I get to keep ANOTHER species of roaches in my house :rolleyes:😫)... the things we do for our cham babies!!:ROFLMAO:View attachment 352153View attachment 352154View attachment 352155View attachment 352156
Ewwww red runners... Nope. pass. hard pass. yuck. ickky. freak me out :hilarious: The kids look good!
It's been a lil bit since my last post but I wanted to give yall an update on my two! Herc has been going through the winter blahs for the past few weeks :( . Too cold here to take him outside for some rays of sun but hoping that it starts warming up soon... He's mid shed right now and I can't wait to see his new outfit! 😂 His appetite has started to lessen a bit now that he is approaching 9mo old so ive cut down on the number of feeders he gets. Bonnie is looking beautiful as ever. Her color's are so hard to accurately capture on camera but she is damn near neon orange in person. She's this beautiful coral/salmon color with hues of purple and I just love it!! I know sometimes females are viewed as less desirable by some since they aren't as impressive as the males but in my experience they are just as unique and beautiful!! Ive got 3 female panthers and it's crazy how different they all look from each other -- bonnie is neon orange and purple, Dumplin is blue and grey, and Tifi is a muted pastel pink. Bonnie is a much pickier eater than my other chams so im experimenting with some new feeders. Her favorite seems to be red runners (yay now I get to keep ANOTHER species of roaches in my house :rolleyes:😫)... the things we do for our cham babies!!:ROFLMAO:View attachment 352153View attachment 352154View attachment 352155View attachment 352156
Awww…I too just adore and appreciate the beauty of the lady panthers and Bonnie is an orange dream. 🥰 Hercules is looking great underneath that shed. I bet you are looking forward to the end of the winter blahs as much as I am. lol
Hello! I will be getting an ambilobe panther chameleon from @Camiezone on Wednesday!! So excited! I have checked my husbandry with the chameleon academy care sheets over and over again. Any advice? I will be leaving him alone for about two weeks before I start trying to build a bond 😊
Yay and congratulations! The only advice I have is to offer a variety of feeders from the start. Bart has always been a great eater and hasn’t refused any feeder I’ve given. Also, make sure to take lots and lots of pics and it is mandatory that you share them liberally. :) These babies have been amazing and have a gorgeous range of colors and personalities.
My Herbert is Homer’s son and he’s large and muscular. Ate like a horse for 8 months and then slowed down on his own. He’s mild mannered even though he started out as a defensive wild baby. I specifically asked Camiezone for one with attitude but he turned into a sweet potato anyway. That’s what you get with Camiezone’s chameleons because she hand feeds them, lets them out of their cages, and babies them.

What to expect? Your guy will be beautiful and mild mannered if you continue building atop the ground work she already put in.
Hello! I will be getting an ambilobe panther chameleon from @Camiezone on Wednesday!! So excited! I have checked my husbandry with the chameleon academy care sheets over and over again. Any advice? I will be leaving him alone for about two weeks before I start trying to build a bond 😊
Don’t “leave him alone”. Start building trust on day 1. Hand feeding is a great way to reinforce that your presence is good. I hand feed mine every day. That could include putting silk worms on various branches, letting them snap a grasshopper from my palm, or eating a horn worm from a small cup. I also hand mist and I’m wiping things down. I’m reaching in their enclosures every day. Nobody here screen climbs, hides, or paces anxiously when I open the doors. The problems come when you’re reaching in the enclosures to grab them or touch them and it’s not on their terms. My guys love when I’m around because I’m make it rain snacks.
Hello! I will be getting an ambilobe panther chameleon from @Camiezone on Wednesday!! So excited! I have checked my husbandry with the chameleon academy care sheets over and over again. Any advice? I will be leaving him alone for about two weeks before I start trying to build a bond 😊
If you have not done so then post a thread so we can review the enclosure and do the husbandry form so we can do a husbandry review. This way we can make sure everything is correct from the start.
Sweet Bart had a quick shedding today. My sweet baby is growing so big. 🥹 I tried to catch him stretching out of his old skin, but wasn’t fast enough to grab my phone from the other room. I can’t wait for the blahs to be done and over, but I remember it wasn’t until late April/mid May that Jack got his colors back. Then he just exploded with color. Oh well. Blahs or bright, I adore my sweet honey.
Sweet Bart had a quick shedding today. My sweet baby is growing so big. 🥹 I tried to catch him stretching out of his old skin, but wasn’t fast enough to grab my phone from the other room. I can’t wait for the blahs to be done and over, but I remember it wasn’t until late April/mid May that Jack got his colors back. Then he just exploded with color. Oh well. Blahs or bright, I adore my sweet honey.
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Omg I just laugh when I see their faces during shedding... They just look so over it lol
Oh man! My sweetie came out to try to eat my eyeballs (like usual) and he was looking so much brighter than yesterday! Of course when we went to grab the phone (always in the other room) he darkened up. But every day he’s looking brighter! Yay! Btw, yes, he is a total little character and we have a crazy daily routine. As soon as his door opens, he runs to the top of the door while I’m putting his food in, and then comes down onto my hand and if I look at him too long, he starts gearing up to shoot at my eyeballs. One of these days he’s going to be quicker than me and I’ll be glad to wear glasses. 😂
Hopper time!

Godzilla has slowly taken to hoppers! Hasnt eaten a super in over a month. They are getting big though (hoppers), starting to de-leg them so its a little easier for G. Thanks for the tips guys. When i dont de-leg them they look too big i guess and he avoids them. Enjoy! @Camiezone

Hopper #1- viewer discretion advised ☠️

Hopper #2

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