can a chameleon fart?


Retired Moderator
just wondering. Coz, i went to visit my friend's chameleon and then i heard 2 tiny
voices that resemble the voice of you know what.
I thought the poor thing has URI.. but no clicking, no popping, no mucus present.
The chameleon is active and eating well.

I have never experienced this with any of my chameleon. Although i do know that turtles do this once in a while.
any thoughts?

Sorry for the disgusting topic.:eek:
I've only seen one thread title that made me laugh harder than this one, congrats :D

As to the question, yes, I've heard it. Have fun...
LOL ...HAHAHA Ohhhh... Farts!!... Funny Stuff! I don't care how old you are... Farts are funny!

I would imagine they can produce some kind of noise if you listen carefully. Once My Nosy Be girl was terding it up and I heard some kind of noise... Guess if it comes from the rear it counts right?

Now I KNOW snakes can... To my suprise! My Red Tail Boa Ziggy craps like a rotweiller... One day he was in his tank up on the shelf and I heard a loud and clear...unmistakeable "Fart", and one to be proud of, come right from his cage... My cat and I both turned our heads and looked up there at the same time, with the same stumped face. Sure enough he was up there working one out and just got gassy in the process. I would have to think Chams could do the same thing though, seeing as a Snake Vent and A Cham vent are somewhat similar in shape.

Edit: I second that Kent...This is funny.. but "Whats wrong with my Vadge?" Has to take the Gold there... crack up
HAHAHAHA :D just seeing your post title mad me grin i had to see what it was all about haha and i have heard noises from my cham to my guess is if the can poop they can probally fart ?!? but im no scientist just guessin haha
haha kent im thinkin the same hah i was like wtf? check this post out from the vadge post if you didnt know we were talkin chameleons this could come straight outa playboy haha

"Well, Good news, I think my Vadge is getting better. I believe DarkRapture was right, she was just a bit dehydrated. I gave her a steam, and she seemed to like it. Now as I type this... Vadge is kinda, staying on my shirt, She's very sticky and doesn't seem to want to come off me. Thanks for your help everyone : ) Vadge thanks you too"
I have heard of people blaming their dogs but this crazy.
Just for the record,nothing beats the vadge post!
if the vadge one was vag it wouldn't have been funny but the fact that it emphasized the Dddddgggggeeeee part made it really funny
Aw man this post is great, hilarious! I'm blown. I mean how loud of a sound should I be listening for? Haha Is it really possible for them to build up enough pressure to let a good one rip. Hehe.
Thanks Dodola, i'm rolling on the floor laughing about it and the Vadge..... Haha and things to in-appropriate to post
Aw man this post is great, hilarious! I'm blown. I mean how loud of a sound should I be listening for? Haha Is it really possible for them to build up enough pressure to let a good one rip. Hehe.
Thanks Dodola, i'm rolling on the floor laughing about it and the Vadge..... Haha and things to in-appropriate to post

HeHe... There we go.. .I was wondering if any of the ladies were going to participate in this one...

According to my Lady... "Girls Don't Fart!"
Obviously she doesn't realize, must be only in her sleep...:rolleyes:
Okay, more "lady" participation......little Joyce has not yet farted that I have heard, but I had two HUGE female green iguanas for nearly 17 years, and let me tell you, those girls could let one rip and people in the next room heard it!
I've heard mine fart before. My back was to the cage at the time. I definitely heard a fart. I turned to look and Kermit was sitting on her branch innocently like nothing happened.
Heard my WC female fart the other day, first time I'd ever heard it. Haha, just thought I would share. It was SOOOO funny. LMAO :D
Damn dear, talk about leaving an open door… Must.... resist..... urge to type........ funny stories… Awwwwwwwwwwww
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