Hi all, I am new here but I was wondering if anyone could maybe help my son and I out with his juvenile panther Cham and sex? His name is Picasso and my son got him as a very young juvenile (around 3 1/2 - 4 months) in the beginning of June. He purchased what was suppose to be a male. Picasso is thriving and is doing well but if his approx. hatching date is correct he is around 7 months old now. He have very little color yet if a male and what he does have is usually brownish and burnt orange like color. will occasionally have an orange/yellow color but usually when he is sleeping. My son hopes that he is just a late bloomer or that his next shed will start to show some kind of color. I am attaching a couple of pictures of him to see if maybe someone here could advise? My son is worried if a female and he knows he may have to do things a bit different for her. To answer any questions as to if we contacted the place where we got him from the answer is yes. I have actually contacted them like 2/3 times to confirm and they keep saying yes a male but just concerned. The first Picture is from June a couple weeks after he came and the last 2 are from today