Can chameleon burn himself like this?


New Member
image.jpg why????
Okay so what exactly are you asking here?

Most likely if he can reach the tube he will climb on it.

What's the issue?

If you think he is trying to get closer to the light, I would raise his basking spot maybe 1 1/2 or 2 inches.
No, nowhere near that hot. Uv tube is off and incandescent, just ceramic heat emitter but is less wattage than incandescent. Thank you for help, I'm a bit anxious over him cos recently lost a female :(
No, nowhere near that hot. Uv tube is off and incandescent, just ceramic heat emitter but is less wattage than incandescent. Thank you for help, I'm a bit anxious over him cos recently lost a female :(

He cannot burn himself if it is not too hot. Maybe he was just trying to get closer because he was too cold.

It is okay for him to sleep there as long as the lights go off like his normal bed time.

I am sorry for your female. :(
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