Can Chameleons Form Habits?


New Member
Am I going crazy, or can chameleons develop habits? I wasn't sure what their intelligence was capable of.

For example, my 4 month veiled has 1 certain branch that he goes to poop from, every single day the same exact spot, and almost the same time too.

He also has been doing this thing where he goes off to one side and sort of puffs out, when I go and mist his cage he instantly goes and drinks and goes back to normal.

So is this coincidental, or habit?
Yes consistently you'll also notice your Cham sticking to the same sleeping arrangement and also the time he or she gets ready to sleep. When they notice your habits and watch you then you might have to worry! Lol
They are more intelligent then you think and yes they do form habit. I have this one little girl and she is so cute even though she pretends not too like me LOL...she runs over from wherever she happens to be in her cage to me to hopefully get a treat and kinda begs a little like a puppy lol
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