Can Chameleons Taste?


I tried searching for an existing thread but didn't really find any that ask this question plan out.

I got my boy some butterworms and the first one (he and i were both excited about) he bit it once and spit it out, dead. and won't eat any since. as soon as i put a cricket in his face BAM! its gone, down the hatch.

what is going on here. can he really taste these thing? i wouldn't want to. lol :D
hahaa i would say in my opinion that they can.some feeders Mista will lick his lips afterwords but when he gets the odd waxworm he licks his lips for so much longer as if to savour the taste,and the look on his face is pure pleasure:D
If that's the case, my Veiled must love crix dusted in multi-vit, it's the only time I'll see him licking his lips before he even aims at them. :D

Mmmmm large crunchy crickets with powder on them.
They can taste pretty well. Bad tasting insects, or insects with bad tasting gutloads, will be rejected. Take a superworm beetle - they'll spit it right out. Wash off it's rear end first, and they'll probably eat it.
i'd say they definately cham is on medicine at the moment, and if he couldnt taste it, he'd take it like he takes water from a dropper........not so much.....i can actually see it in his face that he doesnt like the taste.....he squishes his eyes together as if to say " ewe".
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