Ya they will eat them . I wouldn't do it though, no telling what theyve been exposed too, not to mention what they're feeders have eaten also. Im not even sure how easy they'd be to digest
If your talking about the little house gecko's, I give my veiled one, once a month. Only the smallest ones I can find. Usually less than an inch and a half or so. Their a good source of calcium and I'm sure if they run across them in the wild, they would be history. The officials in Hawaii are very worried about a feral population of veiled's that's recently been found due to the fact that they will eat baby birds and small mammals. Makes since to me. Just be sure yours is large enough to eat them. Good luck. David
i have a neighbor that breeds gecko as a hobby, he keeps the colorful ones, and those that doesn't meet his expectations, he either sells them away or just release them to the wild (i'm not going to be a judge of this behavior...)
he was suggesting that i buy his unwanted geckos as a source of food for my panther chameleons. would this be a good idea....?
It depends. How sure are you that they are parasite free? If you know they are free of parasites I would think one every month or two would probably be good for your cham.