Can he eat this?

I'm just wondering what you were reading in the butterfly pic lol.

Ryder by Djuna Barnes! I love her she's my favorite writer. But I feel like you have to really have a love of words to get into her because she uses words in a way you would never even think to. Ugh. I could literally go on a tangent about it so I'll try my best to refrain. Lol.
Not saying that if you don't like words you shouldn't read her. Just like it helps if you really like the use of words on top of liking to read. Idk...if that makes sense (shrugs: stares at phone: decides to send anyway. Lol.)
She seems to write in almost an Old English style? Like around Shakespearean age?

Yes! But it's also kind of modern (well her hay day was the lost generation and before so that sort of modern), but not like none of this lazy writing going on today.
I would have to actually buy a book and read at least the first chapter to decide if I liked it, but I could easily see myself liking it. It's all about writing style for me if I will like a book
I understand that they can eat this bug? (Pyrrhocoris apterus)


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I understand that they can eat this bug? (Pyrrhocoris apterus)

They are firebugs, not fireflies. They are stink bugs. Not positive if they would be harmful to feed a cham or not but based on the following information I probably wouldn't try!

"Red fire bugs have a scent gland on each side of the thorax
that can emit a foul odor, and they can also regurgitate an offensive fluid from the stomach."

They are known to have various predators such as birds, mammals and amphibians, so they are probably not harmful, but I won't be feeding them to my chams!
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Most chameleons wouldn't likely enjoy eating them anyway with the foul odor and stuff.
Considering how old this post is I'm assuming all went well with this? I believe this is the bug that my girl snacked on twice today while outside. She had me pretty panicked at first! I was sitting there and I looked down at my phone and as I was looking up I saw her shoot at something real fast and start munching it. I have never got up so fast to see what she had in my life lol. First time she has had anything wild so I went crazy looking around the tree for what it was and it seems she found another before I did and I saw her snatch it up . I took her in after that because I didn't want to take a chance of her getting another.
Considering how old this post is I'm assuming all went well with this? I believe this is the bug that my girl snacked on twice today while outside. She had me pretty panicked at first! I was sitting there and I looked down at my phone and as I was looking up I saw her shoot at something real fast and start munching it. I have never got up so fast to see what she had in my life lol. First time she has had anything wild so I went crazy looking around the tree for what it was and it seems she found another before I did and I saw her snatch it up . I took her in after that because I didn't want to take a chance of her getting another.

With the skipper yes, everything went fine and it is a safe bug to give to your chameleon. With the firebug no one has given their chameleon it yet, but the debate looks to be going in the direction of being fine but not recommended.
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