Can I feed bearded dragon food to Veiled chameleon?

I have run out of food for my cham and not able to get any food for another couple days. Hes about 11 inches and ive been misting him everyday. Im not sure how long he can go without food but i have flukers buffet blend for adult dragons that contains freeze dried crickets, mealworms, and pellets and was wondering if i can use this for a day? Or pick out the crickets and mealworms and give him a cup of that?
He may not go for the dead insects, since they're not moving. But it's ok, he sounds big enough where he'd be ok not eating 2-3 days. Maybe offer some veggies instead? He may enjoy trying something new, like collard greens or some strawberry.
He may not go for the dead insects, since they're not moving. But it's ok, he sounds big enough where he'd be ok not eating 2-3 days. Maybe offer some veggies instead? He may enjoy trying something new, like collard greens or some strawberry.

At least its a veiled. Id go for some blue berries, they seem to go nuts for them.
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