Can I feed this mantis to my cham?


Chameleon Enthusiast
So I found this mantis on my aloe vera few minutes ago. So my question is can I feed it to my cham and will it survive the night in this glass? I poked the holes so it can get air.
Mantis are okay to feed to chams. I have had sucess with feeding them but they were ordered online. If this is from the wild, i would just be weary because it could be carrying something that could be harmfull to your cham such as bacteria or pesticides, just be cautious!
It looks pretty big though, how old/big id your cham?? The rule of thumb is to NOT feed anything larger than the diatance between the chams eyes but im going tbch and my guy has easily taken down large horworms or silkworms but I try to avoid giving him something too big.
Mantis are okay to feed to chams. I have had sucess with feeding them but they were ordered online. If this is from the wild, i would just be weary because it could be carrying something that could be harmfull to your cham such as bacteria or pesticides, just be cautious!
I have adult veiled and panther who is 7 months old
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