Can I just turn it off?!


Avid Member
Well, it has been very warm here in South Dakota.. It got up to 100 degrees today and it is supposed to be about that tomorrow..

The other night I seen my incubator's temp was at 85.. I set it for 75..

Well I just check on it and they were at 90 degrees!!

Am I out of luck with these little guys?

Can I turn off my incubator so it doesn't help heat it..

I fell like crap right now. ><

Much Appreciated..
What kind of incubator do you have?
Also what is the temp in your house?

I have a Hova Bator..
I'm honestly not sure Today it had to have been in the 80's + our AC went out.. It is usually around 65 in the living room but about 75 in my room with a fan on.
I dont use an incubator since they bring so many problems. i just keep them in a big rubbermaid box and keep the eggs in tupperwear. Works fine. I just put about half an inch of water in the rubbermaid box in order to regulate the temps inside. It works as the ocean here on earth. Absorbs heat during the day, and releases it slowly at night, thus keeping constant temperatures. you could try this, and if the temps are too high, you could put ice cubes or cold packs in the water.

It has worked very well for me.
I use a exo terra that heats and cools it gets really hot in texas. But if your room is at 75 unplug that thing and take the lid off. what do you have the eggs in? And from what I have read a few hot day temps will not kill the egg.
Well since I am living in South Dakota and they were laid in the middle of the winter and my closet stays really cold I invested in one I will take the lid off and uplug that sucker. I have them incubating in Hatch Rite. They are doing great in it. It was just 4 months since they were laid yesterday!
Are they inclosed or open top? And hatch rite is good stuff that is what I am useing:D If you have hardwood floors or hard floors they stay cool all year long you can get a under the bed tote put about 1in of water in the tote and then your egg container in there put it under the bed and check it for babies.
Are they inclosed or open top? And hatch rite is good stuff that is what I am useing:D If you have hardwood floors or hard floors they stay cool all year long you can get a under the bed tote put about 1in of water in the tote and then your egg container in there put it under the bed and check it for babies.

I like it. I have an inch in the tray provided..

I have carpet in my carpet and in my room.

I have noticed feces around my closet so it might be mice again.. *sigh*.

So I might leave the lid on? I have lids on the containers but I don't want any contamination with the eggs and droppings.
I dont use an incubator since they bring so many problems. i just keep them in a big rubbermaid box and keep the eggs in tupperwear. Works fine. I just put about half an inch of water in the rubbermaid box in order to regulate the temps inside. It works as the ocean here on earth. Absorbs heat during the day, and releases it slowly at night, thus keeping constant temperatures. you could try this, and if the temps are too high, you could put ice cubes or cold packs in the water.

It has worked very well for me.

Can you show me a picture of this. It sounds like an incredible idea.
I would use a digital fridge incubator, sucks that you have to spend even more money but I think they are well worth it...I am probably going to buy another 2 later this year!

The temps drop down to about 62 during the mornings and evenings because its winter now and my incubator keeps them at a constant 72.
And its great if you have a hot summer the temps were about 80 and I kept it down to around 64 for diapause!

It definetely isnt a waste of money, but sometimes the incubators reading can be a few degrees off so you will need to just maybe have 1 or 2 thermometers to check the exact right temperature...
I use celsius, the incubator is set to 26 or 27 degrees but it is actually 22...and when it drops down to 25 then its actualy around 21, then the heater kicks in and brings it back no problems really.
I have made an incubator out of an 20 long aquarium and some water with a heater,and and used bricks to hold too hold up a plastic shoe box with the eggs in it and found it easy to control the temp.... cooling just take an ice cube or two maybe a fan over it to blow the heat away. A good controller to monitor temp and turn fan on and offas needed?
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