Can Reptar eat this?


Avid Member
I have a 10 month old Male Jackson's chameleon and I also caught this praying mantis yesterday. Would it be okay if I put it in the cage to let him eat? I caught it about 24 hours ago, and was told that after over night if theyre still alive no pesticides... is this okay? And is it small enough? Thanks guys!


  • Pastebot 2010-10-12 11.11.54 AM.jpg
    Pastebot 2010-10-12 11.11.54 AM.jpg
    247 KB · Views: 132
I wouldn't risk it with my little guy. Everything I have read says do not feed them anything you catch outside because you never know what they ate. But thats just me I wouldn't take the risk of him getting sick esp because the vets around here for exotic animals is not cheap..
mantids eat bugs so if it is still alive them it sould be ok.

If it was mine i would feed it.JMO
Some people on here wont feed any wc bugs. Thats their decision to make with their animals. But most of the long time keepers and breeders use wc bugs as enrichment to keep chams from getting burned out eatting the same 4-5 prey items. I would def feed it off. You might try feeding the mantis a nice gutloaded crick first. Then you know he's full of good stuff for your cham. Jmpo...
Some people on here wont feed any wc bugs. Thats their decision to make with their animals. But most of the long time keepers and breeders use wc bugs as enrichment to keep chams from getting burned out eatting the same 4-5 prey items. I would def feed it off. You might try feeding the mantis a nice gutloaded crick first. Then you know he's full of good stuff for your cham. Jmpo...

Thats a good idea I didn't think about feeding them a healthy cricket first.
well here this guy is... he ate the cricket's head first...


  • Pastebot 2010-10-12 12.09.11 PM.jpg
    Pastebot 2010-10-12 12.09.11 PM.jpg
    244.3 KB · Views: 153
I can almost see the jackson's smile from here. He might have some hesitation about the mantis though, if he's never seen one before. But most of the time, they know what to do.
Thats just too friggin cool bro. I dont know if I could feed him off or not. lol Just kidding. I love how mantis strike and start devouring a bug. They are friggin brutal....:p
personally I would feed it off. I have caught lots of grasshoppers/moths/dragonflies and a few others and never had a problem but I knew where they came from was pesticide free. I looked for a mantis all summer here and never saw one and am kinda disappointed.
I can almost see the jackson's smile from here. He might have some hesitation about the mantis though, if he's never seen one before. But most of the time, they know what to do.

I was about to say... he't not paying any attention to him. He walked right by him. Hopefully he will figure it out... I dusted him with calcium too haha.
Dont feel left out ghetto. I looked for adult mantis all yr too. I found exactly one! Then he escaped before i could catch him/her...

What's interesting is that about 3 days before I got Reptar, I saw a mantis outside my window. Should have caught it. Then yesterday right before I was heading to work, I saw one on the wall and caught it real quick. No I play the waiting game... I hope I can get it on camera!
it's been all day and he has ignored it. but ive also let his door stay open. so hes been running out haha. the mantis isnt moving though, so i dont think its grabbing his attention...
hav you tried hand feeding it, i did that to my previous veiled and ate it quick....just a suggestion:p
Yeah I noticed that if the food is not moving much then my cham has no interest in it so I use the feeder tongs and that always gets the bugs to freak out then my cham goes wild trying to get them.
I agree

Some people on here wont feed any wc bugs. Thats their decision to make with their animals. But most of the long time keepers and breeders use wc bugs as enrichment to keep chams from getting burned out eatting the same 4-5 prey items. I would def feed it off. You might try feeding the mantis a nice gutloaded crick first. Then you know he's full of good stuff for your cham. Jmpo...

I feed all my chams wild bugs and slugs they love them. just make sure they don't have come a cross any pesticides.
Might clip his claws. Other than that go for it! I would imagine mantids have lots of moisture and tons of nutrients from eating other bugs.
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