Can see chameleon ribs and trouble shedding

well turns out mr fred had MBD , and a broken leg(also why he hasnt been eatign or drinking) hes apparently broken his front leg, but its fully healed so no way to tell when it ha[ppened. its pretty bad, but since we caught it it can be fixed, i have pain meds, an anti inflamitory and some food supplement for him, and a splint for his leg, they are very good at hiding their symptoms, but the vet says he should make a full recovery.

all i need to change is the height he can climb, (basically hes floor bound) and she recommended changing the substrate said i can even use paper towels. thank you everyone for your help.

jsut for references my visit cost 100 bucks, the xrays were 200and the medicine was around 50
its been a long day for mr fred, hes been trying to sleep all day but he kept getting disturbed....but now finally...

Oh, poor baby! There are a lot of threads on here about chameleons regaining much of their abilities after MBD. I'm looking forward to watching Mr. Fred's progress.
You did the right thing getting medical treatment for Mr. Fred. With your care and special attention, he is on the way to recovering.
welll.....i thought i was in the clearr and he was on the road to recovery. mr fred is dead as of the past hour. i have no idea what happened to him, he died in his sleep.
Oh no, I am so very sorry to hear that Fred passed away. That is so very sad. My thought and prayers go out to you. Jann
thank you everyone for your support and helping me to find out what was wrong with him, he was strong for a long time.
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