Can someone help me plz


New Member
I Am new to chams and My veiled chameleon on the side by his ribs 2 little things pop out it weird just noticed it today does anyone know what that is? If anyone can help thx
Post some pics please! And Justin beat me to it...fill out the help form he has mentioned below.

Sounds to me like it MIGHT be a parasite problem. You should post some pics for us to see and fill out that form. I would suggest taking the chameleon to a vet before it gets worse.
Sounds to me like it MIGHT be a parasite problem. You should post some pics for us to see and fill out that form. I would suggest taking the chameleon to a vet before it gets worse.

Before suggesting that, I would first find out if anyone on here has seen similar. It might not require vet care at all.... Post a pic and see if someone else has had the same thing happen to their chameleon first. Maybe they can tell you what it us. I am not saying you are wrong, but lets see if the forum can help first!
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Before suggesting that, I would first find out if anyone on here has seen similar. It might not require vet care at all.... Post a pic and see if someone else has had the same thing happen to their chameleon first. Maybe they can tell you what it us. I am not saying you are wrong, but lets see if the forum can help first!

and my recent vet visit killed my chameleon so refrain from unintelegent vets see if it can be fixed here first trust me youll thank me
Oh I totally understand what you are saying. I just meant that maybe they should at least call and talk to a vet to find out if it sounds like a serious problem. I just said it wrong. Sorry!!!
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