Can someone please help me my chameleon leg is broken and idk what to do she’s is 8 months old


New Member
My chameleon leg is broken idk what to do
You will likely get a lot of questions about husbandry right now, but she needs a vet with chameleon experience, pronto. Major signs of metabolic bone disease causing brittle bones. Once she has some immediate care we can help with correcting her needs.
Right now, you need to gently and very carefully place her in what we call a hospital bin. Get a plastic bin, put a towel on the bottom and give her a plant to hold on to and drink from. You’ll have to give her heat and uvb carefully so as to not overheat or burn her. It looks like probably all of her little legs are broken. 🥺 Where are you located that we can help you find a good vet?
Oh dear :( Love, your chameleon has some serious metabolic bone disease. You need to get her to a vet first asap. We can help you get ll of your care right so it won’t advance any more and she’ll survive, but she needs a vet first.
How can that happened my chameleon was perfectly walking yesterday ? Can you please explain
How can that happened my chameleon was perfectly walking yesterday ? Can you please explain
All of your chameleons legs are bowed and deformed from fractures. She may have been walking ok, but her bones have not been ok. I think you’ve become accustomed to it so haven’t noticed until it’s become severe. Regardless, your girl needs veterinary care asap. The below is from the vet list. Mountain West Veterinary is open 24 hours.
Once you get her seen and get some treatment started, we’ll help you fix the causes and get her as strong as possible.
All of your chameleons legs are bowed and deformed from fractures. She may have been walking ok, but her bones have not been ok. I think you’ve become accustomed to it so haven’t noticed until it’s become severe. Regardless, your girl needs veterinary care asap. The below is from the vet list. Mountain West Veterinary is open 24 hours.
Once you get her seen and get some treatment started, we’ll help you fix the causes and get her as strong as possible.
View attachment 357074
Okay thank you so much I can’t take her to the 24 for hours one right now but thanks for your help hopefully she gets thru this process i take her tomorrow ass soon ass possible but are you really sure it’s MBD here another pic im just worried about my chameleon
Yes, I’m afraid your chameleon has a pretty severe case of mbd. 🥺 Here’s one of my girls to compare.
View attachment 357076

Yes, I’m afraid your chameleon has a pretty severe case of mbd. 🥺 Here’s one of my girls to compa

Yes, I’m afraid your chameleon has a pretty severe case of mbd. 🥺 Here’s one of my girls to compare.
View attachment 357076
Oh my I’m sorry to hear about that about one of your girls is she still battling thru MBD?
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She has MBD.

What supplements are you using and how often for each? Please be very specific. I’m looking for calcium, phos, vitamin D3 and the form of vitamin A in them. Photos of the list of ingredients usually helps.

What specific UVB light are you using? Is it the long linear one or the folded over one, or what?
She has MBD.

What supplements are you using and how often for each? Please be very specific. I’m looking for calcium, phos, vitamin D3 and the form of vitamin A in them. Photos of the list of ingredients usually helps.

What specific UVB light are you using? Is it the long linear one or the folded over one, or what?
I never really gave her calcium and d3 I really didn’t know about it until today im just a kid who got this chameleon for his bday I would give her crickets but these past 3 days I haven’t seen her eat and she has a long linear one
im just a kid who got this chameleon for his bday
It’s going to take a lot of time, special care and resources/finances to help your little lady recover. If this is something you want and are able to do, we’ll help and support you all that we can. If you think this is too much or it becomes too much, you do have options. I see at least one reptile rescue in Utah. I believe there are others too.
Hello, I am sorry you and your girl are going through this. I am also in Utah, if I can help with anything please let me know. Dr. Lofgren sees my chameleons as well and has had chameleons before. I would recommend going to her if she is close enough for the drive. She should be in the office today if I remember correctly.
I never really gave her calcium and d3 I really didn’t know about it until today im just a kid who got this chameleon for his bday I would give her crickets but these past 3 days I haven’t seen her eat and she has a long linear one
It’s such a shame when this happens to people (well, rather their chameleons),…but it does…and we can only go from here. Although the calcium and other levels should be able to be brought back into balance, the damage that’s done…broken bones, etc won’t likely be corrected.

More in a few minutes.
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