Chameleon Enthusiast
I have to consider the source of where this came from which is a pet store down here in south florida. I found this new place today in my travels and saw a sign that said "feeders". So I stopped in and wanted to see what they had to offer. They had the usual crickets, supers, meal worms. I wanted to get some supers and the guy there told me that you really should break off the heads of superworms before feeding because if the chameleon does not bite it then it will be alive in the stomach and can bite through the lining of the stomach and kill the cham. He said even if the head is bitten off sometimes it will stay alive? I was like say what? Just wondering if this is typical pet store mentality or this guy knows something that I don't! Has any one ever had a cham die from a suspected unchewed superworm? I would love to know. He kinda freaked me out!!