Can superworms cause impaction?


Hi guys,
I went to the petshop today for more live feeders. We were having a general discussion about how big the chams have gotten and feeders ect. I purchased my 2 chams from him so we have alot to talk about. I also don't beleive everything he tells me as half the stuff he made me buy when I got my two I had to change out and get alternatives. I.e a second enclosure, different lighting. Removing the water fountain aahh the list goes on.
Anyhoooo, he told me to becareful feeding superworms everyday because of their exoskeleton of the super worms it will cause impaction ?
I've been giving my male 2 supperworms 3 dubia roaches and about 5-10 chrickets a day for about just over a week now. The male dosent eat all of that in one day, as there are a few chrickets and dubias left over but the siperworms are gone.
Is this True?
Am I feeding the superworms to often?
If so how offten can I feed them?

Thanks in advance
I avoid feeding too many supers at once to avoid impaction. One or two at a time is ok in most larger adults. I don't feed many in general because they tend to eat them over more healthy alternatives. I try to keep them down below 10% of the diet and use them as treats rather than a daily staple.
So the impaction of superworms is a fact then?
I honestly thought superworms we so good for the chams because of their nutritional value.
I know to many is not good, but thought 2 a day was a suitable amount.
I have seen impaction in situations where they gorged on several supers at once. It is rare but possible. 2 a day is ok but not optimal nutritionally.
Hi just wondering personally i don't buy supers but use pachnoda grubs as treats for my girl instead can you get those in the us ?
Hi just wondering personally i don't buy supers but use pachnoda grubs as treats for my girl instead can you get those in the us ?
Hi flickboy I'm not in the U.S. I'm in South Africa. I think I will give less super worms maybe one every second day and then once my supply is finished I'll change over to silkworms.
Ok sorry so used to most being state side. This maybe a rare occurrence but when I kept bearded dragons years ago a read one or two stories about supers (they are morios correct) enot being eaten properly and eating their way back out of a dragon so I never use this is only me personally. Black soldier fly is a good staple. I have tried silkworms but struggled to keep them alive for long and they are a more pricey in the uk ??
Ok sorry so used to most being state side. This maybe a rare occurrence but when I kept bearded dragons years ago a read one or two stories about supers (they are morios correct) enot being eaten properly and eating their way back out of a dragon so I never use this is only me personally. Black soldier fly is a good staple. I have tried silkworms but struggled to keep them alive for long and they are a more pricey in the uk ??
Oh my goodness that sounds terrible, I can't imagine seeing that. Nope nope nope silkworms it is.
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