can they live together


New Member
I've got two jackson chameleons from the same clutch can they live together or do they need split up ?
They should both have their own enclosure. It's usually not a good idea to have more than one in a cage.
How old re they? Are they both female? If it is two young females they may be able to live together. You would have a good sized cage and watch them closely for signs of stress. Other wise no. Male/ female - no, two males - no.
You can raise up babies for a short time period together, but once they're a few months old, they really do best housed individually.

I have two jacksons living together, their about 4-5 months old and seem to be doing well.. Once and a while the female will show slight stress colors but its rare when that happends.. Got the xl reptibreeze enclosure with tons of plants..
SipeCsus, I would separate them. Male/female may look ok but there can be a lot of unseen stress. I know from personal experience. Time for a second cage
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