can you over feed a chameleon


New Member
Hi guys! I just got a panther chameleon from Kammerflage Kreations. I am very happy with him. He is about 4.5 months old. He always seems to be hungry. I was wondering if it is possible to overfeed him or will he stop eating when he is full. I feed him about 12 1/2" crickets and a couple of mealworms a day. Should i feed him more if he will take it?
sounds pretty good for his age, once he starts to get larger you can cut the crickets back but feed him larger crix. like 8-10 adult sized.. daily
At 4.5 months you can give him as much as he wants but you want to slow down at around 7 -8 months. They are still growing quickly at that young age but eventually he will pass his growth stage and just start getting fat if overfed. Yes it is possible to overfeed a cham. They are healthier if they stay lean with full fatpads on his head but not bulging like they are about to explode.
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