Canned silkworms??

So I have an 8 month old male panther chameleon who eats mainly dubia roaches and crickets...i was wanting to try silkworms as I heard they love them. My typical feeder sites do not sell silkworms however zoo med sells them in a can??
How do we feel about canned silkworms for chameleons😭😂
Here is a link to the product I was looking at:|GGL|CCY|CCO|PM|0|kUMWcWiLY5b1EHQjK6kSR6|||0|0|||18145199970&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAqNSsBhAvEiwAn_tmxXS0FKrtgu-YmM1hd2c1vb-Dgi_U9lpGOpqZXHQ_9SCeB8TCZI5YPxoCF8YQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

I also gave the same question when it comes to grasshoppers, there are brands that sell "fresh feeders" I'm not not 100% sold
Here is the link to this one:
So you only want to feed live gutloaded insects with the proper supplementation. Dead bugs do not hold the same nutritional value and you can not gutload them to ensure they are at optimal health.
My guys don’t eat anything unless it moves. I’m guessing that’s instinct. Movement = healthy/safe to eat. Dead means take a pass. Of course if they’re hungry enough animals will eat anything.
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