Captive Born Trioceros ellioti


New Member
Found 13 of these little turds today in one of the cages.
LOL!! No screaming but definitely exciting!! I love finding little tiny chameleons:D Hopefully I have better success with these guys than I did with the bitans:eek: Lets hope the other gravid female poops out some nice healthy boogers like this clutch.

Here are a couple more.

Thanks guys!!

Tim, not really sure how far along she is but she is actually fatter than the one who dropped so I would suspect her to drop any time soon also.
Congrats! Bet that couldn't have happened at a much better time of year, too!

I know!! It is perfect timing. Hopefully they get to spend most of their early lives outside.

Benny, I have only had them for a few weeks. I got 1.3 with two gravid females. There are a few others that I know who got some too so hopefully we can get a nice CB group of these going.

Thanks everyone!!
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