Captive Bred Kinyongia matschiei from CNorton

They are awesome! Great shots of them, and just look at those patterns already. They are going to be stunning chams that is for sure!!!
Some of you might like a little update.

The male seems to be growing the quickest but both have shed, growing and doing well. They have had a few nice days outside since I got them but the weather has been good for the last few days and will be until the forecast says so they will be enjoying the outside. They have seen night time temps around 55 to daytime temps in the mid 80s. I do live on top of a mountain so it is a few degrees cooler than what the closest forecast is. They have been and will also be enjoying the scattered showers and storms that are rolling through. Gotta love mother nature doing all the work!! So far these two have eaten crickets, house flies, daddy long legs, wolf spiders, hoppers, moths, aphids, gnats and other various small grass bugs I catch.

The female shed today.

This little beefcake is the male. You can see some tiny little horn buds and casque starting to grow:D



And some chameleon ass:rolleyes:

I absolutely LOVE these two little ones!!
Very interesting coloration on that cham butt.

I love the faint slash marks they have on their sides. :)

They look great man.
The female eating a moth.

Both are growing nicely. The male seems to be growing the quickest still but the female is growing slowly but surely. You can add another food item to their buffet. Sweat bees!!!!!!!!

I also separated them today. both are in 16x16x30 cages.

Both are still doing well. Eating lots of WC insects and enjoying the summer outside. Still growing at a slow rate but having raised K. tavetana it doesnt worry me. At some point they will blow up!! I also do not feed my animals as much as they want all the time. Here are some pics.


Look at that tail!!



Going for a big moth! He can suck these down like no bodys business.


Love their tails!



Fantastic update! Thanks for the shots of them. The shot of him hunting down that huge moth is impressive :eek: I would have never thought he could tackle that size of moth.
Fantastic update! Thanks for the shots of them. The shot of him hunting down that huge moth is impressive :eek: I would have never thought he could tackle that size of moth.

He ate one that size right before he went for that one:D The Bodies arent too big and then the wings fold right in so it looks more intimidating than it really is;)
Great looking Chams. Good that you live atop a mountian;)

And thats one huge moth compared to the lil guy! I'd love to see a video of this act! lol Just for the share :eek: factor!
Thanks guys.

It is nice living on top of the mountain!! Tomorrow will be 100 degrees with heat index. My roomie said it never gets over around 87 so they will be good even on the hottest days. Ill try to get a video of him tearing the moths up.

They are definitely growing, Jann. Just slow but again, it doesnt worry me:)
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