Care of pothos


New Member
Both of my cages have 2 potted pothos. They all seem to get the yellow leaves and then drop off. Do I need to add more lighting just for the plants? Each cage has a 24" Reptisun 10.0.
I am constantly misting the cages and will water the plants as needed.

My cage setup is such that I have Bio-Vines attached all over and the plants are interwoven all over them. (So not easy to take in and out.)

Any suggestions?

Also, from the pics I have seen, it seems everyone has some sort of tree in the cage (or upright growing bush) which gives both climbing branches and cover. Is this the way to go?
I have all screen cages and the bottom(s) will not support too much weight. (Some sort of plastic panel)


Both of my cages have 2 potted pothos. They all seem to get the yellow leaves and then drop off. Do I need to add more lighting just for the plants? Each cage has a 24" Reptisun 10.0.
I am constantly misting the cages and will water the plants as needed.

My cage setup is such that I have Bio-Vines attached all over and the plants are interwoven all over them. (So not easy to take in and out.)

Any suggestions?

Also, from the pics I have seen, it seems everyone has some sort of tree in the cage (or upright growing bush) which gives both climbing branches and cover. Is this the way to go?
I have all screen cages and the bottom(s) will not support too much weight. (Some sort of plastic panel)



yes, I put 2 tiny pothos and 2, 6" or more, ficus benjamina with lots of foliage.
I used screen cages too.. and i also have green plastic panel.
I put my cage ontop of a cupboard and put my plants there.
So far no problem.

as far as pothos goes, there are 2 possibilities: too much water or not enough light. It needs to get very dry between waterings.

Also the more sun it gets the more variegated it will be.

I use a lot of pothos in my cham cages. I have the best luck when I water the plants twice a week to keep them evenly moist. I use a liquid fertilizer lightly once a week. Spraying does not seem to affect them adversely. What does seem to affect mine and cause droopy or yellow leaves is warmer temperatures in the summer and underwatering. I try to keep them evenly moist without the pots sitting in any kind of run off water. I make little teepees with three bamboo sticks in the pots and wind the vines around that. My chams love to sleep inside the little teepee.
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