Carpet Cham Enclosure?

Amanda S

New Member
Carpet Chameleon enclosures??

I have a baby on the way. I ordered an 18x18x36 cage and carpets are small, around 7", do I need a smaller one while it is juvenile? Or will this small-medium size I ordered do?
Carpet Chameleon enclosures??

I have a baby on the way. I ordered an 18x18x36 cage and carpets are small, around 7", do I need a smaller one while it is juvenile? Or will this small-medium size I ordered do?

The cage you ordered is plenty big for an adult carpet.
You might want something smaller at first so that you can better monitor food and water intake etc.
A small rubbermaid tub with paper towel and some grapevine or artificial vine/ivy works well for babies.
You can hand mist the sides of the enclosure a few times a day to keep him/her hydrated and place your Repti-sun 5.0 UVB fluorescent tube light over the top. No heat lamp should be required as long as you have decent temps in the room.

Carpet Chameleon enclosures??

I have a baby on the way. I ordered an 18x18x36 cage and carpets are small, around 7", do I need a smaller one while it is juvenile? Or will this small-medium size I ordered do?

Feel free to message me with any questions you may have on Carpets. A search through the photography forum of my posts will get you photos I've posted of my lateralis!

Did you get a Major or lateralis lateralis? Can I ask where you purchased from?
I believe I got a lateralis lateralis. A female. From FL Chams. CB. I will surely be taking you up on that offer about questions, I know I will have lots of more and I already have plenty. She hasn't actually arrived yet but of course I want everything set up and temperature/humidity ready before she comes. She should be shipped next Monday and arrive Tuesday morning. I can't wait to get her and will definitely be posting muchos pictures. Thanks :)
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