Carpet Chameleon setups.


New Member
Hi there, im very tempted in getting some of these soon, currently reading up alot on them,

Who here keeps them? has anyone any pictures of their setups? thanks:)
This member wrote the article below and has had CB carpets for sale on the forum. If you go through his posts you can see a lot of pictures he has taken.

Here's an article about them. you may have already come across this.

Thanks for that:)


I post a little bit later any pics of the setups of my lateralis.

I keep my lateralis so in the moment:

At the day 24°C-28°C and 70%-80%
At the night 15°C-18°C and 90%-100%

They´re need much of plants.

Thanks as well:)
Best Regards
happy14[URL=""][email protected][/URL]
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