Cat grass for feeders?

I bought a cat grass growing kit for my cats but they don't like it. it's going to die in a couple weeks so I was wondering if I could give it to my feeder insects. I have crickets and superworms. The grass is just wheat grass.
If it is just wheat grass then feeders will eat it. I used to grow wheat grass for the locusts and they LOVED it! I read that locusts are the main source of calcium for wild chameleons due to the amount of grass that they consume! If you think how much grass cows eat and they produce calcium rich milk, it makes so much sense!
I would use it. I use wheat grass powder in my gut load regimen.

This makes me happy to learn that chameleons can benefit from wheatgrass. I am learning to take a more in depth look at foods and gut loading and this pleases me to know that the values wheatgrass possesses not only can help me but my chameleons as well! :)
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