Cat may have cancer. Anyone with experience out there? ...pssst...Dayna...

Solid Snake

Avid Member
This is October:

October is 16 years old.

October stopped eating and drinking last Friday, and became very lethargic, and dehydrated.

I noted wheezing in him Saturday. We have been inundated with snow, and thinking he may just have a respiratory infection, thought he could wait until Monday to go to the Dr.

So he did.

They found a growth under his tongue, and removed it this morning.

Im confused as to how it could have effected him this suddenly, and am awaiting word on whether or not its cancerous.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Could anyone give me an opinion based on what the mass looks like?

We wont know for sure until next week, but just wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts in the mean time.
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Unfortunately I have some experience, but I think it's a little different. My cat Dolce had a tumor on her back leg 2 years ago. The vets operated and removed it, but I didn't see the actual tumor. They told me it was due to her vaccinations. This past July we noticed another tumor, this one on the back of her neck. Back we went to the vet, but they said it was the same cause, and that this time there really wasn't a feasible option. They suggested more surgery, then radiation, and then said that the cancer would more than likely come back.

We did not want to put her through this again, so at the end of September we had her put to sleep. At the end she wasn't in pain, but was lethargic, and just wasn't herself. I highly doubt that your cat's cancer was caused by vaccinations, so hopefully one of the vets can chime in. Dolce was 10, BTW, and even though I had time to prepare it still hit me like a ton of bricks - I'm crying as I type this and it's been 2 months.

Good luck to October, and I hope that you have a better outcome than we did. :eek:
Hello. :)
Tumors under the tongue can either be good or bad. Often times these either grow quickly so it comes on pretty suddenly, or they are slow growing but all of sudden is big enough to be noticeable and annoying under the tongue so they don't show signs until that point. Older cats tend to have more bad than good, but not always. The good could be an imbedded foreign body (little piece or string or thorn, etc), or severe inflammation, or eosinophlic granulomatous inflammation (a different type of inflammation sometimes in response to dental disease or other causes). The bad is often cancer, and in the mouth squamous cell carcinoma tends to be first on the list. Unfotunately it tends to be aggressive. But I don't want to scare you. I'm glad you sent it off to the pathologist! Because otherwise it's just a guessing game. I wish I had "it looks like cancer" vision, and if I did I'd be rich and famous! Once those results are back you'll have a much better idea of what's going on and where to go from there.
October looks more like Friday, but what do I know...but with you as his master he is in good hands. Cancer can be a byatch and you have to stay on top of it. Good luck dude.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate your comments.

I got the call today, he has cancer, and will have to be put down. :(
He has had a long, good life. He was rescued when he was a kitten, so it was a life he would have otherwise not had.

It is his time, he was a good cat though.
We just went through this with my childhood cat. Ivan was 21 this summer when he got very ill and had to be euthanized. I literally knew him longer than almost everyone else in my life. It was the right thing for him but so very difficult. You have my deepest sympathies. October was a handsome guy.
I am so very sorry this was the outcome. October had a fantastic life with you and will be waiting over the rainbow bridge. :(
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