Been a while since I've posted anything. I've been enjoying my male and female BB Ambilobes. She is pretty friendly. He likes to keep to himself. I'm very happy with his colors as he continues to mature. I think she reached "maturity" as she became an extraordinary solid brilliant pink/peach for several days and now is dark with a very defined pattern. I didn't want to mate them because I wanted her to mature a bit before I made her produce eggs...although I think she's gravid now...oh well, a missed opportunity. I placed substrate in the bottom of her cage in case she has to pass eggs...I'll be monitoring closely for the next couple weeks.
My male loves to be misted directly. He does something pretty freaky with his eyes when I mist him...each turret kind of bubbles from side to side, then it's like this weird pink wiper thing runs across his eyeball from the inside. He seems to enjoy it...though it's very alien-esq for me...kinda creepy.
My female tends to run away from the sprayer...I've yet to see her do it.
Any thoughts?
Been a while since I've posted anything. I've been enjoying my male and female BB Ambilobes. She is pretty friendly. He likes to keep to himself. I'm very happy with his colors as he continues to mature. I think she reached "maturity" as she became an extraordinary solid brilliant pink/peach for several days and now is dark with a very defined pattern. I didn't want to mate them because I wanted her to mature a bit before I made her produce eggs...although I think she's gravid now...oh well, a missed opportunity. I placed substrate in the bottom of her cage in case she has to pass eggs...I'll be monitoring closely for the next couple weeks.
My male loves to be misted directly. He does something pretty freaky with his eyes when I mist him...each turret kind of bubbles from side to side, then it's like this weird pink wiper thing runs across his eyeball from the inside. He seems to enjoy it...though it's very alien-esq for me...kinda creepy.
My female tends to run away from the sprayer...I've yet to see her do it.
Any thoughts?