Caution: Extreme keepers Only!!!


New Member
Just got these guys on Friday. He's in shed but I guess the pics are ok. I'll get some new pics once they get settled in.


WoW DuDe your HarDCORe!!! Youd never catch me hangn out with a cobra. Its way pretty for something so deadly. Whats the exact species?
looks like a double monacle. indian? those are so freakin awesome! wish i had one. saw some albinos on kingsnake a while back in the classifieds. that rocks man, you got cahones.
These are true Indian Cobra's. You find many forsale as indians but most are of other locals like sri lanka for instance. True Indians are pretty rare in the states! I'm getting a few other kinds of cobra's then I'm getting into taipans and tiger snakes!
Man I found black spitting cobras on my holiday.
And yesterday I found a Skaapsteeker its simililar to a cobra not far from my house.
I really don't know much about cobras, but are these venomoid or?

It depends if they have had the procedure done. And just because its a venomoid doesn't mean if it breeds with a venomoid the babies will be venomoids.
I'm not far from Underground and I know the guys there very well. These are Hott, I don't agree with the process of venomoiding. There is also evidence of it having negative effects on the snakes as many if not all of them use the venom to assist in breaking down their prey. When two venomoids breed the babies are venomous, you still need a permit here in FL for them as well.
Is that where you got them from? I go in there on wednesdays to get roaches, always like checking out the heats. I really love the gaboon theyve got.
I dont agree with creating venomoids either, on principle, let alone when its done by a backyard butcher without anesthetic or qualifications, like this guy, 'the butcher of melbourne'

Photos WARNING Disturbing!


I just fail to see any value in it whatsoever, which mutilate a animal for convenience, If your afraid to be bitten, dont deal with vens.

Heloderm, Please post pics when you aquire tai's and tigers. :)
I'm not far from Underground and I know the guys there very well. These are Hott, I don't agree with the process of venomoiding. There is also evidence of it having negative effects on the snakes as many if not all of them use the venom to assist in breaking down their prey. When two venomoids breed the babies are venomous, you still need a permit here in FL for them as well.
Very interesting. Thanks for posting that.
It depends if they have had the procedure done. And just because its a venomoid doesn't mean if it breeds with a venomoid the babies will be venomoids.
Hehe yeah I knew that much. :D
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