CB Hoehnelii male


Avid Member
Heres my male I got today from Steve Sims, hes a little badass


See ya,


WOW! That color is AMAZING! I had no idea Steve was raising them up so big, either!

I guess Im just lucky :)

I have a 9 month old female that is also the Kenyan locale that I plan on breeding here later in the summer. I am excited about that for sure!

See ya,

Wow Todd, that 2nd photo would even make the real King Diamond proud.
You got some hoe there...what a stud. Grats.


Man I'm getting old...I even remember when he was in Merciful Fate.
(The real King Diamond, not your Hoe. Hehe)
Wow Todd, that 2nd photo would even make the real King Diamond proud.
You got some hoe there...what a stud. Grats.


Man I'm getting old...I even remember when he was in Merciful Fate.
(The real King Diamond, not your Hoe. Hehe)

I see we have some old school metal heads in the house:D
Wow Todd, that 2nd photo would even make the real King Diamond proud.
You got some hoe there...what a stud. Grats.


Man I'm getting old...I even remember when he was in Merciful Fate.
(The real King Diamond, not your Hoe. Hehe)

I am really glad someone understood my reference besides Jared!! My whole crew of chameleons is called Mercyful Fate hahah!

See ya,

ummm I forgot what i was going to say

Ok so I was going to say something about awesome cham and then I saw the second pic and my mind left the building....... def one of my favorites congrats on one amazing chameleon.
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