Celebrity Doppleganger - Who Are You?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Not necessarily which celebrity you look like... but more like what celebrity or TV/movie character would best describe you to someone who has never met you in person?

Me: I'm a delightfully insufferable combination of Dwight Shrute and Sheldon Cooper with an unfortunate "Eldon Henson" haircut. The haircut was a bad idea and I take full responsibility.
I got shafted with dna. I have a real doppleganger I grew up with. He actually fooled my mom once. That's how close we look alike. Same height, build, face, he just had longer hair always. For an actor, again unfortunately, I am a cross of Corey Feldman and Charlie Sheen. Luckily, their younger versions. For comparision to someone, I would hope to be compared to anyone who left a positive mark on humanity. I'll take that comparison anyday, regardless of looks. I would even take my man Steve Buscemi's mug. :eek:

I do have a childhood friend who could double for Edward Norton. If you didn't know him, you would SWEAR it was Ed Norton. Literally.
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Well I’m completely obvious to mainstream pop culture (No TV, No commercial radio) so I’m not sure who my celebrity doppelganger would be. Dwight Schrute would be in the mix for sure and current era Wil Wheaton for the board game fanaticism and his lovely wife Anne for her numbernerd and dork tendencies.

My chemical composition is:

Awesomeness 60%
Snark and Sarcasm 29%
Naps 10%
Scotch 1%
My friends call me "Raptor" because they say I am a velociraptor wearing people-skin. Does that count?
My friends call me "Raptor" because they say I am a velociraptor wearing people-skin. Does that count?

I think it does :)

Embarrassing confession: I wore a Jurassic Park t-shirt every day for my entire sixth grade year. My favorite one was a raptor close up. Where the heck were my parents? Why didn't they stop this??? Sigh.
That's not even bad. I made these, and then wore them to the Jurassic World premiere:

Are you freaking kidding me??? I would wear those every day! That's an amazing pair of shoes :D
Thank you! They took a bit of doing, let me tell you. They are strangely comfy, though, as they were originally stilettos and the enlarged raptor-foot base makes them easier to walk in, even though they throw off their balance a bit. The feet were scavenged off a JP raptor toy, and I turned the head into a doorknob for my closet.

There is nothing like having an anachronistic velociraptor watch you while you sleep :p
Definitely would compare myself to Maximus Decimus Meridious.

Russel crow is a champion.

I can remember in grade school on a few separate occasions my teachers held me after class the last day, and told me they believed I would be a leader. They said I have a certain presence that inspires.
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