Ceramic heater prob, can someone enlighten me pls?


New Member
I just received delivery of my ceramic heater. I removed the basking light that was already in his enclosure and screwed the ceramic heater into the fitting, but 10 mins later and it is still stone cold.
Can someone tell me if the heater is supposed to go into a basking light fitting. It does fit? Just wondered whether it's not supposed to work that way??
OHHHHH and can I use a normal household bulb instead, if so I'm gonna pop to Tesco and get one?
Oh Jan, thank you for your reply, but I am just so confused.
Before collecting my veiled I asked the pet shop what lighting I would need. He gave me an infared basking light. Then I went to collect my cham and the breeder told me that was no good and to use a ceramic heater instead, which I then ordered. In the meantime I got a new basking light (not infared). I just received the ceramic heater but it won't work in the fitting I have and the basking light seemed to be making the viv too warm so I just ran to the shop to get a household light. In light of all this - what do you suggest I use? basking, ceramic, household or nothing........pls helpppppppppppppppp..........lol
Household light bulbs work perfect, cheap too, and they produce lots of light that your chameleon can actually see!
Household light bulbs work perfect, cheap too, and they produce lots of light that your chameleon can actually see!

Great - thank you :D
But do you know whether a ceramic heater should work in a basking light fitting? It screws in perfectly but doesn't heat up. I need to know whether I should send the heater back to the online store.
Welcome to the Chameleon Forums. I'm a little lost on why you would be using a ceramic heater???? If it's a basking light you are in need of then a household bulb works find. How old is your chameleon? The age and size will determine what wattage bulb to use. Below is a link to my blog for new keepers. You should find it helpful to keep your Cham healthy.

Jan, to answer your question Neo is male & 12 weeks old.
I had a ceramic heater for a couple days before switching to normal bulbs, and they worked in all my basking light fittings. You mean like the dome lamps right? It should work. As for why it's not im not really sure, sorry :p
The ceramic bulb was great for me when I kept my dragon outside. I live in Florida and only used it on really cool nights. It does fits into regular socket and heats up pretty quickly. Maybe your bulb is defective. IMo the household flood lightbulbs are the best. They produce nice heat that you can adjust by changing wattage of the bulb, not nearly as expensive as the so-called basking bulbs from pet stores and do exactly same job.
Here is what you need in regards to lighting (which can be confusing):
1. UVB bulb that is replaced every 6 months
2. Basking bulb that emits white light and makes the appropriate basking temperature. You want it to be a white light bulb because you are trying to simulate sunlight! That's what draws them to it in addition to the heat, and makes it more like their natural environment. There are fancy basking bulbs sold at petstores, but a regular household white lightbulb works equally well and is much cheaper. Start with a 40 watt bulb since your little guy is young and see what kind of temperatures that gives you at the highest point that he can bask. If it's too cold then you bump up the wattage to 60 and see what that gets you. If it's too warm you can decrease the wattage or move the bulb further away from the cage.
3. You do not need any lights at night unless it drops below 60 degrees in your house. If it does that's when you can use the ceramic heat emitter because even red or black bulbs will disrupt their sleep.

Remember all lights should be on top of the cage shining down! :)

If the ceramic heater doesn't heat up in a normal light socket where it should fit then it is broken.
I use both basking light and ceramic heat emitter both connected to pulse proportional thermostat the basking light keeps temp up during the day and the heat emitter during the night. I think it depends where you live and the temp of your home. Where i live the temp does not reach the temp required by my cham naturally . EVER
Thanks guys, I'm returning the heater today. Gone back to basking light. Can't beleive i've received 2 broken heaters how annoying. Just moved him to a new screen cage last night so now he has proper ventilation. Put in his live plants @ the bottom and attached jungle plants around the top of mesh. Just got to figure out how to attach branches & vines accross the cage without poking holes through the mesh. OH MY the fun never ends....lol
I use both basking light and ceramic heat emitter both connected to pulse proportional thermostat the basking light keeps temp up during the day and the heat emitter during the night. I think it depends where you live and the temp of your home. Where i live the temp does not reach the temp required by my cham naturally . EVER

Well Scotland isn't renound for it's lovely weather....lol.....although it isn't much better where I live. Now Neo is in a screen cage I will need a ceramic heater because there's no way of keeping the heat inside the enclosure. Saw the pic of your panther, he/she is amazing.
Just make sure that you keep heat sources well above your viv. Popeye ( male) still being treated for thermal burn on his belly. Burn area very small now but still having Flamazine applied daily. Lost his vibrant colours for several months but as you can see they are coming back.;)
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